Chapter 2-Luke

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*A/N-So this is a bit shorter...I hope you guys are liking this. Not sure how this is going so please comment your opinions and vote if you like it!

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I recognized her the minute I walked from Coach J’s office. She looked so different from the last time I saw her. Her hair had been brown then, but honestly, I liked the blond better. It set her apart from the girl she was standing next to, Kate. It didn’t make her look like one of her little followers. 

I watched from afar as James Cox slung his arm around her shoulders. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Were they together? I would never have pegged her as the kind of girl that went after idiot football players. She had never seemed interested in me. Something like anger boiled up inside me. Was I not good enough for her? I had always thought that, deep in the back of my mind, but I had never thought too far on it. 

I had plenty of girls hanging on me, and I was the star quarterback of my old high school. I had won state twice and was now playing football for one of the best colleges in the nation. There was no need for jealousy. She was just a nerdy junior girl that I had had feelings for when I was in junior high. And possibly as a freshman. 

Shaking my head I stared as James took a packet of papers from Brittany’s hands and chunked them behind him, looking like the asshole he had always been. I felt my hands ball into fists. I used to be that guy. I used to mock her to my friends, maybe not in front of her, but behind her back.

I waited for her to say something witty and turn to pick up her papers, but she didn’t. She just said something to the eight or so kids standing around, a snooty look on her face as she glanced around the group and laughed. I was shocked. Anytime I had tried to mess with her in front of my friends, she had always found a way to make me look like an idiot, which I never admitted to my friends, but kind of turned me on to her a little. But then we would see each other out of school, and she would again be shy and distant.

So this new Brittany was new to me. She had been many things, but snobby was never one of them.

A few moments later the crowd moved through the front doors and out to the parking lot. They seemed to move like a herd of cattle, none taking the lead, all following each other. I recognize some of the people as my friends, seniors who would be graduating this year. I realized then that I had been there last year. Had I been the leader, or just another follower?

I didn’t have much more time to think about it because Brittany turned quickly and glanced around the hallway, I stepped behind a line of lockers, hoping she hadn’t seen me staring at her.

After a few seconds I peaked around, feeling a complete stalker. She was bent over the papers, picking them up quickly. Without thinking, I hurried over to her, realizing I wanted to talk to her, to see how much she had changed over the past year. I grabbed a few pages from the ground before she could pick them up, just so I had an excuse to ask her, “You need some help with that?”

Her gaze jerked from the ground to my face, her hazel eyes wide underneath her black framed glasses. I stared in amusement as she checked me out, her gaze traveling down my body. I used that time to examine her in return, my eyes quickly flashing over her face and body. Her blond hair was down and wavy, a head band pull around to keep the hair from her face. She wore no makeup, except for some mascara. Her lips always looked pouty, and she had a small, pointed chin. Her skin was surprisingly tan. She had always seemed pale in comparison to everyone, but now her skin seemed to glow. Her body was hidden underneath a baggy shirt and jeans, so I couldn’t exactly tell how her curves looked. She had always been curvy, and not necessarily in a bad way.

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