"Do your worst. One shot buddy," I reply, turning to face him as he steps off the stool to tower over me. I can blame this on the alcohol tomorrow. My stomach is flopping as his eyes drop to where I'm chewing on my lip. Nervous habit of mine.

Jack brushes some of my long brown hair out of my face tenderly and a part of me is surprised to realize that I might actually want him to kiss me. "Darling, I wasn't pulling a line on you when I said you were stunning." His southern accent is rough, sending chills through my body.

"Sorry if I don't exactly believe you-" I'm silenced by his mouth slanting confidently over mine. His lips move unhurriedly against my mouth and I can't help but lean into Jack as his tongue sweeps over my bottom lip.

This is one hundred percent because of the alcohol. My back is being pressed into the bar counter as I rest my hand on his chest, feeling the hardness of the muscles being hidden beneath it.

I surprise myself again by opening my mouth, letting his tongue explore further. This might be one of the best kisses I've had. And if this is what kissing Jack is like, I don't know if I want to let my mind wander to what fucking him would feel like.

This is definitely outside my comfort zone.

Jack pulls away a few moments later, a confident smile on his face as my chest hitches. "How was my worst?"

Great. That one comment just erased how good that was. I pull my hand off of where it was still lingering on his chest to make a show of wiping my mouth on the back of my hand, "Solid three."

"You're killing me Alex." He says laughing again, his eyes sparkling and I can't help the smile that forms on my face.

"Sorry Jack, maybe you'll do better with the next poor girl you solicit so your friends don't make fun of you."

He leans in again to press a short kiss to my lips once more. "Can I have your number? Maybe I can get you to give me a chance to do better than a solid three."

"Don't hold your breath. This was a one time thing," I reply sweetly as my heart hammers in my chest.

He shakes his head at me, before walking away. "We'll have to see about that, darling."

One hundred percent the alcohol's fault. Pritchett too.

I look for her, only to see that she's talking to a guy herself. Good for her. Maybe she won't get back with Eli this time.


My phone ringing at full blast pulls me out of my dreamless sleep and I fumble for it blindly in the dark room. Our blackout curtains work a little too well.

"Alondra, answer your fucking phone before my head explodes," Pritchett groans from her bed on the other side of the room.

"Trying," I answer as I finally grasp where it sits charging on my desk. "Hello?" My head is throbbing thanks to the loud sound of the ringtone.

"Well good morning to you too," The voice of my father greets and I wipe my eyes with my hand, trying to wake myself up.

"What time is it?"

"Late enough that you should be awake already. I need you to stop by my office sometime this morning so we can talk." He says and I hold back my reply. I have no interest in going to his office.

"Seriously? I have plans with-"

"It's not optional Al."

I roll my eyes, "Got it. I'll be there in an hour."

Heart As Cold As Ice | 18+ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now