Chapter Forty Eight

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His own point of view.

He sat in his car, in front of the big French country house, it could have been mine, all he had could have been mine. He blew out smoke from his mouth, Lennon had done sex, alcohol, drugs and even smoking, but him he only stuck to smoking though he could get high really high with just one cigarette the shit he smoked was strong. Sometimes it even made his eyes blood red.

He puffed out some more smoke, and he chuckled to himself, it wasn't hard bringing back Vanessa into his life, it was so easy, she was as used and messed up as a bitch that she was, no whore was a term more accurate for her, I had given her money and even a place to stay and didn't have to convince her much about what I wanted from her.

She agreed as long as she had money for her drugs and cigars.


In all reality I had anticipated her death sooner rather than later, she was able to survive for a while but now the bitch was gone, I didn't really care, really, she was just a piece in my chessboard and now she had been eliminated which plays to my advantage in two ways,

One no one would ever know who brought her back.

And two it got rid of her much easier and faster, I didn't like blood on my hands.

I had in a way also contemplated the possibility of Lennon falling for Amber, I do not know how on earth she walked into his life but I am happy she did.

It would make destroying him all the better.

I mean I could have killed her years back, at Vanessa Dahlia's funeral, it would have been fun, to watch the second woman he loved fall before his very eyes, with a bullet through her brain or maybe heart.

But no I didn't, I didn't not because I am a merciful man but because I wanted my revenge served hot with a touch of sweetness, she became his wife and she even gave birth to a son, who wouldn't fall for her and her killer body.

Maybe after I end him I can have her and her kids

Or maybe not

I stepped out of the car and threw the used almost finished cigar to the ground and stepped on it.

Today was a day to celebrate him, the one and only Brayden Lennon Nathanael, it was his birthday, he had added a new age.

Thirty two years.

What kind of friend would I be if I didn't wish him well.

It was true what they said be careful who you trust the devil was once an angel.

The saddest thing about betrayals is that it never comes from your enemies but from your friends.

And the best thing about revenge is that its a dish best served cold

All in good time Mike, you will get your revenge and you will get his bitch.

All in good time.

After all he still has his past, one that hunts him.

His secrets and Lies.


Dear diary,

It's me Amber again, I know it's been long since I last wrote to you, it's just I have been so busy with everything, with my life, my school and most importantly my family.

I am almost done with university, I know I am existed to, soon I would be a certified Pediatrician.

I would wear a white coat.

Things have been going rather smoothly, Asher and Natalie gave birth to twins, two beautiful baby girls.

Richard got back with Lynn and they seem to have a very serious relationship, and a little bird told me he is planning on proposing soon.

Shh, I didn't say anything

He is also currently the head of the technology department at Brayden's, I am proud of him.

Austin and Adam well, Austin is out of the country working in some place I always forget the name of and Adam, says and I quote "I want to live life before I settle down" so yeah that is them.

My husband Lennon is doing perfectly fine, he is a proud father of two.

Isabelle got better, she plays a lot and takes care of her younger brother, although I must say he is a handful he disturbs her a lot.

We named him Aiden, actually Isabelle named him Aiden, Lennon and I argued over the name to give to him for months and when he was born Isabelle called him Aiden, and we went with it.

Aiden Lennon Brayden.

I have one last secret to share with you before I close this chapter of this book.

I am pregnant and with twins.

Nope no one knows, yet.

I just found out yesterday and that is going to be my husband's birthday gift today.

Maybe I will write you soon.

Lots of love, Amber Lennon Brayden.


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