Chapter Forty Three

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And he was following me but it wasn't with the same car that had Isabelle in but with another one. I reduced my speed and drove leisurely to the biggest bingo centre in the area all the while keeping to the side road.

I knew this place like the back of my hand, I had grown up here, gotten into trouble here, had my first kiss and heartbreak still from here, the old house by the creek was somewhere between, my brain was jammed appearntly it wasn't good at mathematics and driving at the same time, it was at the end of the village and it had different roads and side roads leading to it.

The man Jay wasn't giving up and he followed suit, he made himself known that he was following me. Why couldn't he just accept the lie I had made up. The bingo centre was in view and I took a turn towards my left, I choose to park outside so that when my brothers come back they would see Austin's car. He parked a few paces to my right, I sat still, so far I hadn't manged to crash my brother's car, that was an achievement that means I got better at driving.

Malcom raised and eyebrow, firstly because he saw me drive my brother's car which he knew no one, absolutely no one drives and secondly because I looked like my aunt Monica he knew that because one time i had  played a prank on him with the costume.

"am- "I cut them off with a hug, it was the most awkward hug considering my fake breasts. "kiddo how have you been, and hows your mama? Last time I saw you, you were this high." I used my hands to show him the height I was talking about, "and now your even higher." I was really short. He must have noticed something because he said "ah, Monica, the last time you left this place, you left me with a kick in my balls."

Was he talking figuratively or literally? "eh," I tired to come up with an answer all the while Jay a few feet from us but clearly in hearing distance. "I am joking Monica you know me, we have the best seat in the house and today is your lucky day, you might win a lottery!" and with that he dragged me into the crowded room. No one threw me a glance, not a single soul knew me, or Monica she had been dead for over four generations.

"Are you in trouble ?" he whispered while he shuffled some lottery cards and I straggled to sit my big butt that had piles of clothe on the bar stool, I gave up and decided to stand, I didn't want to be the talk of the season of a woman with a butt made from clothes, it had taken me a whole ten minutes to arrange my butt after the car ride. I nodded at him and he threw a glance at Jay.

He cleared his throat and spoke through the microphone, "ladies and gentle, Monica here has an A7642BC card as her lottery number I wonder who would win this mega price behind the mystery box, keep playing and if possible keep buying more lottery cards, you never know you might end up a winner." he kept the microphone, I had gotten a few curious glances here and there other than that no one gave me much of his or her attention.

I had to play two rounds into the game, I didn't know what on earth I was doing, but I just played. In my minds eye I kept on thinking of the fastest route to the old town house, Malcom gave me the signal and I excused myself from the table to use the bathroom. An old woman peeked into my cards, wasn't she just nosy! This had to work, I counted to ten and then I started to count backwards, and then all the lights went off. I heard Malcom telling everyone to" stay calm the lights would come back on."

By the time they came back on, I was outside heading for the nearest side road, I stopped and pressed myself as far as my body would go along the wall, and not more than three minutes had passed when I saw Jay in his car determinedly driving down the road taking the longer route. He wasn't from this area that was obvious, because if he was he would have known what route to take.

I ran, phew I needed to ran more often, I was more of an ice cream eater and novel plus couch being. I stopped and looked back, I had just ran past two houses and I was already tired, I still had a long way to go.

By the time I reached the old house, I was drenched in my own sweat from head to toe and I was panting like an Olympic champion yes, I raised my fist into the air I had gotten here before Jay could. I walked among the shadows of the house no one was in sight. I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. Vanessa was there and she held Isabelle a knife to her throat. Isabelle was crying Vanessa was shaking. Before I could do anything I felt hands grab me from behind.

This Chapter is dedicated to JayJay_foreve, for being my very first reader you rock !!

______________________________________This Chapter is dedicated to JayJay_foreve, for being my very first reader you rock !!

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