Chapter Three

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I wiped my tears away as I said "not to worry, all I need is some little change to go back home. The ice cream can wait maybe next time" and do you want to know what my so called best friend did, well he blew a breath and laughed.

"Well thank goodness, I know you when it comes to ice cream your like a four year old, if it's even possible you would eat all the whole ice cream shop clean. Damn. I will never forget that time".

"Wait so you mean to tell me it was an empty promise?"

"Now Amber it wasn't an empty promise. It actually worked and made you smile."

And with that he walked out of the room and I had a huge smile on my face. What a life. What you asked ? Am I dating Richard? Well were do I start from. One it would be so weird. Two we are best friends ever since we were four and three he has a girlfriend. We are really close, supper close. I guess we do understand each other well and that made us the best of friends. So yeah, you see why.

Enough about him for now unless you wanted to hear all about his chappy and shitty stuff, I have a whole book on it. I walked out of the back room, Mr Benny kept on throwing me strange glances, my eyes were red from crying and I had a slight runny nose. Which in my option was okay, considering the fact that I just got rejected from the university of my dreams.

But he doesn't need to know about that right ? Plastering a beautiful brilliant smile on my face, I walked over to the table that had a customer waiting, judging by the way he sat, he looked like he had just entered the resturant and he had a fellow companion, both were in business suits. The former looked really familiar. Do not get me wrong, I wasn't good at remembering people's faces or names but in this case I felt like I had seen him from somewhere. No time for thinking or reasoning. Taking a deep breath I said,

"Hello and welcome to Benny's, my name is Amber and I will be your waitress for today. Have you seen anything of interest you would like to order?" The next words were words I do not think a customer uses to order something. Besides I didn't have any knowledge of the dish he had just mentioned. Well the world is a weird place with weird dishes.

"Oh shit. It's you again!" Was that a dish? Probably was one. I would have to search with Google to be sure. In all likelihood I could cook such meals for people that were big pains in my delicate behind with a complimentary desert saying "be gone now" and a cold drinks of "why aren't you gone yet?" Ah, well my fantasy would have to wait.

"Um, sorry but I do not know who exactly you are sir" gosh I am so dumb, of course I knew who the hell he was, it was because of him I had to walk from the damned bus stop till I reached here making me according to Mr Benny an hour and fifteen minutes late. He laughed, he had the guts to laugh.

"So you finally say your sorry, but not after spilling my coffee" it was coffee that got spilled, too bad it looked more of like fermented oil.

"If I can remember correctly sir, you bumped into me and spilled your drink on my" (rejection not saying that) "document and I paid for your drink with the last change I had"

"And your oh so last change that you had couldn't even pay for half of the drink" he waves me off and said " please call someone else with more reasoning skills and someone that doesn't spill my drinks to attend to me"

Whoa, an arrogant son of a donkey's ass. I had a whole come back to his statement filled with big insults and unpleasant words. Jeez. My come back was as big as a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey, but what actually came out was as statement a cat would make of it was caught stealing a piece of fish from the pantry.

"Yes sir as you wish sir" and I stormed off. Bloody arrogant son of a monkey's ass. But what got me even angrier was the fact that all waitresses or at least waitresses under the age of thirty were staring at him.

"Who the hell does he think he is?"

"Who the hell does he think he is?"

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