

*Asami's pov*

I was meeting with Lin at 10 am at the police station, it was now 9:55 and I was sitting at the main entrance waiting for her to come. I was really curious about what she knows and what she found out.

"Are you just gonna sit there like that or are you coming?" I heard someone say as I turned to my left and saw the door to Lin's office opened and her standing in the door frame, wha- when did she get there?

"I'm coming," I said as I quickly stood up and walked inside and closed the door behind me.

"Sit down"


"First I am gonna ask, do you know anything about Bolin?"

"No, Mako stopped by yesterday and when I asked him he said he disappeared"

"Yeah he took a few days off but, weirdly, no one knows where he is, not even his brother"

She sighed as she pulled out a file of papers from the drawer in her desk "Take a look at this"

She gave me the file as I looked at her then I opened the file and read it out loud

"'due to exaggerated rebellion, prisoners were sentenced to one week's deprivation of visits and outings.' What is this?"

"Well it looks like Korra is making some friends"

"This is about Korra?"

"Yeah, and her 'roommate' Chloe Price, apparently they attacked some people during dinner"

"Why would-"

"That's a good question Asami, I think there must have been a reason for it, but I think we will have to ask them next week"

"Well, at least they didn't get hurt right?"

"According to what officers there told me they didn't"

"Okay, at least something" I sighed and placed the file back on her table, stop getting yourself in trouble Korra, come on.

"And as you already know her punishment shortened to 10 years, but the bail is still not available to pay"

"Shit, so what now?"

"Now we have to find out if-"

"Chief, it's Mako and his squad, and Bolin" some guy rushed inside of Lin's office

"JARED! What did I tell you about WALKING INSIDE WITHOUT KNOCKING?!" Oh damn

"I am sorry Chief but they say it's urgent"

Lin sighed and looked at me as I nodded and we both stand up and walked outside and saw few officers dragging two people away and one of them kept yelling that he is innocent and to let him go

"What is going on here?!"

"Chief I got evidence Korra is innocent!" Bolin said as he rushed to us

"Okay first things first Sergeant, what are you doing here"

"I will explain everything, but I have proof these two killed the two citizens, they dealt with the drugs and Korra had nothing to do with it" He continued as his brother Mako stepped closer

"He's right Chief, I was there as well"

"No offence I trust him more than you, come into my office"

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