Chapter 14

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Okay so, short but IMPORTANT, note

For those who haven't read the post on my message board please go read it, there's some info you should know.

One more thing, I was writing this chapter during my breaks ON MY PHONE, I got a job and I didn't have my notebook with me and I write mostly on pc so there might be more mistakes and I was writing it quickly, but the chapter is a bit longer than the others for some reason.

Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter, please read the message so you will understand and I'll see you around!



*Korra's pov*

I was waiting in front of Future Industries building for Asami to walk out, I was wearing a white shirt and a black vest with some black pants and boots, I was so excited, I hope it will all work out.

It didn't take long and I saw the girl walking out of the door and towards me.

"Well hello pretty lady, may I accompany you?" I bowed and I could hear Asami laughing, her laugh is so beautiful

"Oh Korra of course, you look beautiful, but I have to change first I can't go in my work suit" she chuckled and we made our way to her car

"Thank you" I smiled "but please be quick, you know how long it takes you" I chuckled as we rode towards Asami's mansion.

It took her good 30 minutes to get ready, but for this woman, I would wait forever no matter what.

We got to the club, and we were about to go inside when I heard someone calling my name

"Hey! Korra! Here!" Uh...

"Asami could you please go up ahead?"

"Um sure?" She was just as confused as I was and she walked in. I walked into the small street from where the voice was coming. I saw two figures standing in the distance

"Took you long enough, now come on let's make this quick don't let the lady wait" one of the figures stepped to the light of the streetlamp and I could see it's Lin, right after her Kya came closer as well.


I was so confused, what did she mean by "make this quick?".

I saw Lin pull out a piece of metal.

"Look since we need to keep a close look on you, but I also don't wanna ruin your evening, I'll attach this to your leg, when you'll feel that it tightens, you need to step back if you'll be in danger" Lin looked at me with the piece of metal in her hand.

"Ugh whatever, go ahead" she kneeled on the ground and pulled up a piece of the pants then she wrapped the metal around my right leg. A small flashback came in but I knew Lin wouldn't hurt me so I kept it cool.

She then pulled down the cloth and stood up

"We'll be on the other side of the bar, if anything just wave at us" Kya finished and I nodded in agreement

"Thank you, for all this" I smiled and we went inside

I saw Asami sitting by the bar waiting for me as I soon joined her side

"Have you ordered a drink yet?"

"Nope but they shou-"

"Good evening ladies, my name is Joshua, so what can I get for you?"

A guy appeared out of nowhere, he seemed pretty nice

"I'll take a rum with cola"

"Avatar is drinking hmm?"

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