Chapter 21 Pt 1.

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*Asami's pov*

Where is she? She should be back already

After me and Korra got home, we were both just sitting and cuddling, it was nice but it didn't last long, we had to get back to doing our work.

I got a call from the hospital that Scar has a slight concussion but other than that she should be okay.

It was already 1 am, and Korra was still nowhere to be seen, she said she is going to help Lin investigate but I don't think Lin would keep her there for so long.

My thoughts were interrupted by clinking keys and I heard the lock click

"Took you long enough" I said not turning around

"Yeah sorry... We still don't know anything" I heard Korra say and soon her arms wrapped around my neck as she placed her head on top of mine.

"Why don't you come sit next to me?" I looked up at her, she was dirty and tired "Are you alright? Did you fell or something?"

"No I'm okay, I had to stop by somewhere on the way home and I helped some guy to push the car out from the mud, I'm going to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow, are you coming?" She sighed, I stood up and hugged her then kissed her on top of her head, I didn't care if I will be dirty as well, all I wanted to do is to hug my lover

"I am, but not yet I got some papers to fill" I smiled, she soon pulled back and kissed me then turned around and made her way upstairs

This girl is an angel

I sighed and sit back down to finish my work.

Well Korra said the leader will agree but they don't wanna meet, but I guess I could ask Korra to do it, if they know each other it probably won't be a problem, I would like to see where the people are gonna stay though, maybe Korra will take me there someday, although, she said police is after them, or at least that they don't have a good experience with them. It's not like I don't trust Korra, but if I will see something suspicious I have to call the police.

Why is everything so complicated? This group is gonna help people to survive since the president is a bitch. Why do I even have to find them a place to stay? I know it was my building but...Spirits, I get it now, the president only wants to have less job, and since I build the lodging house, he gave it to me. Ugh what an asshole.

I continued filling the paperwork, about the citizens moving, I still have to rebuild my office, at least my old factory is almost finished rebuilding so we have a place where we can work.

I realized I still have the piece of paper in my pocket, the one I found earlier in my car.

I guess I should give it to Lin or Korra, since this is about her as well, it might be the reason why did today's events happened, I will give it to her in the morning.

I placed the paper on the table and cleaned up the mess. Once I was done I made my way upstairs into our bedroom, I slowly opened the door just to be met by a sleeping girl on the right side of the bed, she looked so cute yet so peaceful, I smiled and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into the pyjamas, and carefully climbed on my side of the bed under the blanket, to not wake up the sleeping cutie next to me.

I was almost asleep when I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pulling me back, closer to my lover.

She's incredible, I feel so safe when I'm with her, I smiled and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep.


"Asaaaamiiiiii...... Aaaaasamiii..... ASAMI! WAKE UP!"

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