Chapter 20

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*3rd pov*

"Excuse me?"

"Get her boys"

Asami quickly grabbed her electric glove and jumped out of the chair before 3 of the men could get to her

"You better stay away assholes, where is Scarlet?"

"That girl at the door? I don't know, probably still out cold" one of them said as they ran on Asami, trying to punch her but she quickly dodged the attack and punched the man

"Come on" she said with a proud smirk ready to strike again, the first guy shook from the punch as he tried to attack again but Asami was faster and managed to dodge the punch again and electrocuted the guy who fell to the ground out cold.

But by that Asami lost track of the other two guys as one of them grabbed her from behind and punched her. They were about to grab her but someone stopped them

"Wait! Stop! All of you" probably their boss screamed and all of them looked at him.

He held Korra and a flame was coming from the tips of his fingers close to her neck

"I would advise you if you want your friend over here to live, you better give up and come with us peacefully" The guy said coldly and moved the fingers closer to Korra's neck

"Nishi that wasn-"

"SHUT UP! If we have to kill the Avatar now we will do it"

"But the boss will be mad-"

"I'm making his job easier"

Asami didn't know what to do, she didn't want to endanger Korra's life, and since Korra is out of her senses, there wasn't any other way out of this. She sighed and looked at the ground

"Not today"

They all looked up looking for the source, soon their eyes landed on the unconscious girl, at least that's what they thought. Korra's eyes opened and they were shining brightly white, she grabbed the guy's hand and threw him across the room, that was a signal for Asami as she kicked one of the guys and threw the other one at Korra who gladly punched him.

Asami kicked the other guy down and slammed his head on her table then electrocuted him.

Korra fought the other guy, not that it was something hard, but she wanted to have some fun. She used airbending and kept throwing him away, she then punched him in the face and knocked him out.

Her eyes stopped glowing as she grabbed with Asami's help the other 3 guys and threw them into the corner, with the help of earthbending she kept them all in one place while they were passed out.

"You will pay for that, you destroyed my floor" Asami said with a chuckle and Korra hugged her

"Are you okay?"

"I'm alright Korra, what about you?"

"Same, this felt pretty good to fight some bad guys after so long"

"It sure did, but why were they here?"

"No idea, I'll keep an eye on them, call Lin" Korra said and Asami smiled and nodded.

She pulled back from the hug and walked over to her table and called the police.

"Hey Lin"

"Asami? This better be important"

"It is, me and Korra got attacked"

"Are you guys okay?"

"We're alright, but my assistant might be hurt, could you send the ambulance here as well? And we managed to catch the attackers"

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