Chapter 4

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*Asami's pov*

"so I have good news and bad news"

Kya sighed as she walked closer to us, from the look on her face It seemed bad which made me even more worried. Please be okay.

"The good news is that whatever that thing is, it's not a poison, at least I wouldn't call it that"

and the bad news?

"and the bad news are that I don't know what to do with it, it's more like an infection, it spreads across the whole body, for now, she's stabilized but I'm not sure how long will that last, we have to hope it will be at least until Katara will get here"

"She should be here in a few days," Tenzin said

"Okay good, I did everything I could, meds, spirit water, everything, for now, we have to make sure her lungs won't fail, she has a fever that no matter what It try just won't get lower"

"Thank you Kya, you did everything you could," I said and I hugged her

"Thanks Asami, I just wish I could do more, I have no idea how could she get this sick"

"I might know something" everyone looked at me it was almost uncomfortable. "yesterday we got ambushed, we followed the robbers and she got shot by a mysterious dart but she said it was only a chi block" everyone was silent


"well now that stupid "chi block" could cost her life, why didn't she told us?" Kya said

What? S-she doesn't mean that..... Right? I swallowed loudly

"that's not how I meant it, but if we won't do something with it, it might as well soon happen"

we all looked on the floor then I heard small silent wheezing coming from the room where Korra was, I looked at Kya in horror

"don't worry kid, she's just struggling to breathe JUST STRUGGLING?! She makes it sounds like it's completely normal! she has an oxygen mask on, she'll be fine"

"okay" I nodded and looked on the ground again "can I see her?"

"I think yes, she's awake and aware of her surroundings but she won't answer to you, just prepare it's not exactly the best sight"

"Can I come too?" Jinora asked

"oh course you can Jin" I smiled

"Kya promise me I can count on you with her" Tenzin said

"Of course brother"

"Thank you" he said and he walked away together with his family, I sighed and looked at Jinora

"are you ready?"

"Korra is my friend, the last thing I can do for her is to go visit her"

"Yeah, she's lucky to have a friend like you" *I smiled as we walked inside, not knowing what our sights will met with...


*Lin's pov*

Ugh thank the spirits this was the last one. I sighed as I sat down into my chair, enjoying the silence of my office but that was soon interrupted by a knock on the door

"ugh come in"

"um chief?" Mako? Really? What is it this time?

"yes, Mako?"

"I was thinking..... Maybe we could send out two or three of these guys and follow them, then they will lead us to their base"

"Mako that's..... Not a bad idea, since when are you so smart?"

he chuckles and says

"I don't know, it just sort of happened"

"okay get a team ready, I'm gonna make sure to let them leave"

"good, thank you" and with that he leaves

He can be annoying bitch, but at least he's smart


*Asami's pov*

we walked inside Korra's room, the whole room was filled with darkness and the only light was from the small window, when I entered my nose was filled with the smell of old wood and medical supplies. And there she was. Korra was lying in her bed, her eyes were little opened and she was staring at the ceiling, her face was pale and she could barely breathe, she hasn't even moved when we walked in, she had an oxygen mask on and her eyes were red, it hurt me to see her like this, and that I knew I can't do anything with it to help her.

"Hey Korra," I said softly as I sat beside her and so did Jinora, I hoped to get some sort of reaction, just a slight movement, anything in general, but I got nothing, and the only thing I could hear was her trying to breathe.

"We'll find the cure soon Korra, please just hang in there, Katara and your parents should be here in a few days," Jinora said

I grabbed Korra's hand and slightly squeezed it, she was so hot you could boil a tea on her.

"You need to be strong for all of us... for me" I said as I looked at her hand, at this moment I thought it was just my imagination but I felt a small squeeze on my hand she really is listening to us, she knows we're here. I smiled and looked at Jinora, she seemed to notice that movement too and smiled as well.

We're here for you Korra, I'll find the cure, and I'll make sure those assholes that did it to you will rot in prison...


Hello Bitches!

So, sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, the next one will be longer, but some unknown bitch wanted me to release it and it was impatient so I had to.

One more thing, I won't be using my name (Veronica) as my sign at the end of the chapter, you guys will recognize me as Alex from now on. I have my reasons why and one of them is that I just don't like my name.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see y'all in the next one.

- Alex.

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