Chapter 11

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Just letting you guys know, I haven't edited this chapter yet because I'm too tired to, it's literally 1 am here and I'll edit it later, also there might be a part when it gets a little bit boring but I promise it's worth it.


*Korra's pov*


I didn't have the tube stuck in my neck anymore, and I felt a lot better, but my whole body felt heavy, I could move but it was weird. I could feel someone's presence and someone was talking to me. My eyes were so heavy, but after a bit of struggle I managed to open them, I saw my parents sitting next to me, Kya standing in the corner, leaning against the wall and Asami, the most beautiful person sitting also next to me, I'm so lucky to have them around.

I smiled and they all looked at me

"Good morning Avatar" Kya chuckled

"You know I can't laugh... so stop it" I said, my voice was raspy, but I didn't really care

"How do you feel sweetie?" my mom asked

"I'm okay mom, I feel a lot better"

"I'm glad baby, I don't think I coul-"

"Mom please... let's talk about something else" she sighed and just nodded

"Where are the others?"

"They are outside, want them to come in?" my dad asked and I slightly nodded, he stood up and walked up to the door

"I'm so happy to see you awake Korra" Asami smiled and I felt the smile on my face growing

I noticed Bolin, Lin, Katara, Tenzin and the kids... and Mako, walking inside, basically everyone was here, I didn't like it that there was so much attention on me but I couldn't just tell them to go away, and they are my friends so I don't mind them being here....

*Time skip, cuz why not*

After a while, it was just Kya, team avatar, and Mako here, oh, and my parents of course.

"Korra... There is something you should know" my dad said, jeez did I do something? Why is everything looking at me like that?


"I-I don't know how to tell you it's just-"

"dad, what is it?"

"Korra you.... they had to amputate half of your left leg" Asami said and she looked down.

W-what?! N-no this... This must be a lie!

I sat up maybe a little too fast earning worried arguments from the others and a sharp pain in my back but at this moment, all I cared about was my leg.

Please... tell me it's a lie

I haven't hesitated for another second as I pulled the covers off of me

No... No this... This can't be!

I touched the bandage as my hand slide over them and into the empty space where my leg used to be, but now there was just a stump of what has left of my leg. I felt tears build up in my eyes as I placed my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes as the tears ran down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Korra I-"

"Please just... just leave, leave me alone" I haven't looked at them, how am I supposed to do my Avatar duty when I'm fucking cripple? I lost the ability to walk once but this? I'll never be able to walk again, my leg is fucking missing.

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