Chapter 5

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*2 days later*

*Asami's pov*

It's been two days, I haven't left Korra's side since then, I slept on a mattress on the floor and I brought my work to her room and as much as I could I finished there, people often stop by to check up on Korra, but nothing has changed, I honestly think it's gotten worse.

I finished drawing some new blueprints for new Sato-m-bikes and I looked at Korra that was lying in the bed behind me, I noticed she was looking at me

"Hey, are you okay?" I got up and walked up to her, she looked at the cup of water on the bedside table and I immediately knew what she needs. She tried to raise her hand but was too weak to do so.

"I'll get it, just rest" I smiled at her

I took the cup that had a cold water and a straw in it, then I took off her oxygen mask and gave it close enough to her mouth so she could drink from it, once she was done I put the cup back and put on her oxygen mask again then I put my hand on her forehead she's still so hot, I wish I could help her somehow.


"shh don't talk, you need to rest" I held her hand, her voice was so weak and full of pain and those red eyes were piercing my soul, I could tell she was scared, scared of what will come next. I saw tears forming in her eyes and slowly rolling down her cheek. I wiped it away and kept my hand on her cheek

"don't worry, it will be okay, we'll get you the help you need, I promise" I gave her a sad smile and she weakly nodded, then she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, I smiled as I stand up and went back to my table.


*Korra's pov*


It hurts


Where am I?


It's so hot here


I don't wanna die


I can't breathe


Somebody please, help me...


*Lin's pov*

"Chief the team is outside waiting for the prisoners to be set free" Mako said

"good, go get the 2 prisoners we agreed on and let them out" and with that Mako left

Not long after, I looked out of the window and saw him release them and they immediately took off.

Just run, you'll lead us directly into your base

I sighed as I walked to the door and locked them, then I sat back down and I opened my drawer, there was a bottle of rum and my rum glass, I poured some of the liquid into the glass and leaned back into the chair.

I still don't see why they attacked Korra, what could she possibly do to make them wanna hurt her? I should stop by on the Air Temple Island later and check up on her.

I sighed and I put the bottle and the glass back, then I walked out of my office...


*few hours later*

*Asami's pov*

I looked out of the window and I saw a boat dock in the harbour, I quickly stood up and looked closer as I saw Katara, Tonraq and Senna exiting the boat. When I looked at Korra she was still sleeping so I silently walked out of her room and head outside to the training place to find Tenzin.

"Hey Tenzin, Katara and Korra's parents are here!"

"Good! I'll get Kya" he said and he walked to the opposite direction as I hed to the pier.

"Hello Tonraq, Senna and Master Katara, pleasure to see you here, I wish it was under better circumstances," I said

"Hello Asami, no need to be formal," Katara said and I nodded

"Where is my little girl?" Tonraq asked

"She's in her room, I spend past few days with her, to make sure she's okay"

"Thank you Asami, we really appreciate it," Senna said and she pulled me into a quick hug.

"Hey mom" I heard Kya's voice behind me as she hugged Katara

We all greeted an we went back to Korra

"last time I checked she was sleeping," I said before Katara, Kya and Korra's parents entered the room she was in. I stood there in front of her room deep in my thoughts.

What if she'll never be the same again? What if she won't make it? What if.... What if Katara won't be able to help her? I sighed as I walked outside the temple, I walked to the back and saw Jinora meditating in the bower, I walked up to her and set down next to her

"Hello Asami" she said not opening her eyes how did she-?

"How did you know it was me?" I asked completely shocked

"I can smell your perfume"

"oh right sorry I won't disturb you" I was about to get up but she interrupted me

"you're not disturbing me, it would be actually good to have someone to talk to" she opened her eyes and looked at me. We both looked at the sun that was slowly settling down and the sky was turning orange.

"So how are things with Kai?" I teased

"It's all good, he's so sweet and kind" she was now blushing and I chuckled

"What about you? Do you have a crush on someone?" She asked me, Should I tell her?

"yeah actually, there is someone"

"ooh, who is the lucky boy?"

"I-It's actually a girl" she seemed shocked by my answer but then she smiled

"let me guess, it's Korra"

"How do you know??" I asked amazed at the young girl

"Asami it's pretty obvious, you've been there with her for past few days and I saw the way you looked at her when we first came to visit her" she chuckled "does she know?"

"No I haven't told her yet, with all that's going on now" I brought my knees to my body and wrapped my arms around them

"You guys will be cute together, you should definitely tell her once she's back on her feet and okay" she smiled

"thank you Jinora, I really appreciate the support, please don't tell anyone"

" I won't I promise"

I turned around and I saw Kya, Katara and Tenzin walking out of the temple with not exactly happy expressions on their faces. I quickly stand up and walked up to them.

"well? How is she?" I asked, they all looked at each other then at me

"I can't heal her, she has a strong infection across her whole body, I've never met with something like this" Katara sighed and Kya placed her hand on her shoulder

"But she'll be okay? Right?"

"If we won't get the cure soon....... Then Korra will die."


Two chapters in one day? Wow what the hell :D

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this longer chapter, and I'll see y'all in the next one.

you can also write me theories in the comments, I love to read them :D

- Alex

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