A soft tune started playing all of a sudden, at first Mono thought it was just his imagination. The food almost got stuck in his throat as he slowly swallowed, the tune was still playing. The hair on the back of his neck rose, his pules quickening. I thought this place was empty for now...

The song was gentle, so gentle that Mono couldn't resist the urge to investigate. NO! turn back now, it's time to bail! Despite his own warning, Mono placed the other halves of potatoes in his pockets. He got up as he felt his feet move on their own towards where the soothing melody came from, he pushed open a door and came a cross a vast hallway. The walls were brimming with taxidermy, from the smallest head of a ginger fox to the largest head of a mountain moose. He felt the animals' eyes following him as he strode along the hallway.

the tune was now getting louder and louder, Turn back, NOW! his thoughts screamed. Stay Away! STAY BACK! The shouts in his head got so loud his ears started ringing, and the strangest thing was, it wasn't his own voice, but someone else's. He couldn't obey it, it was as if he was being pulled by some invisible thread. NO, NO, NO! those were the last words the voice ever spoke before finally giving up.

He placed both his hands on the door and pushed it open, it creaked on rusty hinges. and now the music was as loud as it could be. It felt like a drug to the ears, he could listen to it all night long. he took the stairs down to the basement, as he descended the steps, something tickled his nostrils, he placed his sleeve against his nose and muffled his sneeze. the air smelled funny, and soon enough he saw tiny particles of wool and stuffing floating about in the air. And then to his horror found the source, brown bags bulging with wool were stacked atop one another, and next to the was a workbench littered with all kinds of tools, sheers, scissors, knives, clips and swing kits. and on the wall were a bunch of leather skins and hides, and- oh.... faces.

His head slowly turned back to where the music was coming from. Someone was there...

He approached the door and gently placed his hands on it, he peered through the cracks and saw. a boy? No. That's a girl.

Her dark hair fell like a curtain over her face, preventing Mono from seeing much of her features. Her cheeks was sunken and her lips dry, her skinny legs had small patches of bruising. She wore a blue threadbare lace sweater, and white shorts. She sat in front of a strangely shaped music box, one hand was turning on the crank while the other hand was hugging the metal box like it was something truly precious to her.

Leave, please. The voice begged. Mono looked back at the faces nailed to the wall, then looked back at her.

"No..." he said to himself, he wouldn't leave her to a cruel fait like this. What if he was the one stuck in there? wouldn't he want anyone to come to his rescue? Yes... Indeed.

Not wasting another second, Mono turned and looked for something he could ram the door with. He check the tools on the table, nothing was blunt enough. He kept searching and searching, checking every corner until he went to another room. There stuck in the wall was a hatchet, This would do nicely.

He jumped and grabbed the wooden handle. the wall split and cracked, making the axe fall over the shiny edges of the blade landing only a hair's breadth away from Mono's skin. Gasping at the close call, he pushed himself back on to his feet. The hatchet was heavy, but it was nothing his strength couldn't handle.

he dragged it along with him, the blunt edges scrapping against the wooden floor. For a moment the music stopped, the girl had heard him. Mono knew she was looking at him from beyond the cracks. Her lips parted, eyes wide with shock behind her hair.

He swung the hatchet with all his might, it collided with a thundering crash, tiny wooden splinters went flying as the panels fell one after the other with each strike. The girl inside the room let out erratic gasps as she kicked the music box away and cowered under a bed, covering her head with her hands and her knees moving to her chest.

Togetherness? - Little Nightmares - Mono x SixWhere stories live. Discover now