Vol 1. - Forever Fall

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Sorry for the long wait. School has made me overall tired and RWBY has been getting stale, lately. I'm getting uninterested as Volume 8 doesn't seem that compelling as the first three volumes, but I will still continue to write this.

I still find enjoyment writing this story, but overall, RWBY has been getting boring and uninteresting. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Adieu to you all.


It's been a few days since Jaune has been hanging out with Cardin and his team. On orders from his team leader, Y/N was currently shadowing the orange haired prick and his team, while Owain was watching over the blonde. The "dirt" they had gotten on Cardin was quite interesting.

Many of them were verbal and physical assault on faunus around the city here in Vale. All of this information made Lethe want to cut the balls off the orange haired douche, but Lilina had other ideas. Despite the sweet and caring attitude she's always put up, she had a dark and sinister side to herself. While they weren't as bad as what Lethe wanted, which was to lock Cardin in a room with some harmful chemicals, or scratching the dickhead or more lethal options, Lilina thought of more humiliating ones.

Obviously, they were general ones, thinking of covering Cardin with sticky substances and covering him with feathers, or the good old fashioned tossing the dickhead into a pit full of Grimm. With his weapons, of course. So, the following days, Y/N had spent his whole time following Cardin and his team around. On their off day, he followed them into a city, where he saw them verbally assaulting a poor faunus child. It was sickening, Y/N started toying with him in the shadows. The occasional stealing of his wallet, pulling down Cardin's pants, tossing shit at him in a restaurant, the usual pranks he'd do with Owain back in Mistral.

While Y/N didn't think of himself as a devious person, he did enjoy pranking others or just getting them into humiliating situations. And pranking Cardin made it all the more satisfying. On their way back to Beacon, he made the orange haired asshole trip, creating a thin line of shadow to make Cardin trip. It just so happened, up on the roof and hovering over the sidewalk, there was raining poop. Cardin and his team stood next to a notorious restaurant that sold food that made you want to take a crap every ten seconds. One such customer just so happened to be on the roof at the time, his excrement leaving his rear as the brown substance falls on Cardin's head. Let's just say, Cardin was quite the laughing stock upon returning to Beacon Academy. 

Currently, teams MOLA, RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL were walking through a beautiful place with Glynda Goodwitch, who was supervising them. The area they were walking through was a beautiful forest known as Forever Fall. Red and orange leaves, mostly red, were falling off the trees, the teams taking in the sights. Well, except Team CRDL.

Glynda: Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But, we're not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.

Y/N: (mutter) Gee, real uplifting.

Lethe: Oh, don't be such a baby.

When Glynda turns around, stopping as she does so, the whole line stops abruptly. In doing so, Jaune, who was lugging around nine jars in his hands, bumps into the orange haired prick. This caused Cardin to turn around and growl in annoyance, Jaune trying to whistle it off.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o' clock. Have fun!

Cardin: Come on buddy! Let's go.

Jaune had tried to sneak away, but Cardin had noticed in time and grabbed him by his hoodie, dragging him away. He looked up, his blue eyes meeting the emerald eyes of Pyrrha's, who looked at him sadly. With his own sad eyes, he turns around and follows behind Cardin and his team.

{Discontinued} A Fox And His Kitten Vol. 1-3 | Blake Belladonna × Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now