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TW (Panick Attack)

Dream woke up only to find George gone. He flung himself up, got up and ran out of the bedroom. He also didnt see anyone else, it was just him. Dream couldnt think straight at the moment since no one was around, and before you know it, he started to go into a panic attack.

He breathed heavily. Tears started flowing down his face. He fell to his knees trying to breath the best he can. His entire body felt numb, he couldnt move even if he tried. He passed out seconds later.

(With George)

He walked back to the house thinking what Dream would do if he found out that he left without telling him.

George walked in only to find Dream on the floor.


George screamed. He closed the door really quickly and ran to Dream. He pulled Dream closer to him.

"Dream, hey, please. Wake up. Please..."

George shook Dream seeing if he can wake him up, but nothing seemed to happen but George knew exactly what to do..

He got up and ran to the bathroom. He opened up the small cupboard and picked up a bottle of pills. He ran back and sat back down near Dream. He did all the porcessings that needed to be done (putting the pills in Dream's mouth and all).

George waited for Dream to wake up while George played with Dream's hair. (Wholesome moment, Aah!!)

After 5 minutes, Dreams eyes opened only to see George looking at him.

"Finally your awake. I'm sorry I left without waking you and telling you. I just-"

"George, your fine....Trust me, I know you didnt mean to..."

Dream sat up and faced George.

"Come here.."

George came closer and wrapped his arms around Dream.

"I love you, George.."

George chuckled a bit..

"Love you too, Dream.."

They both were in that position for a bit before continuing their day...

(A year later, wow)

During one day George didnt expect much but little did he know, Dream had something planned.

(Dream is 23 and George is 26 here, so ya)

While they walked through the park, Dream stopped for a minute before going down on one knee (damn, what can this be?)


George stopped and turned around only to see Dream on one knee with a ring in his fingers. George immediately put his hands over his mouth (Aah its happening!!!)

"George, I've loved you for awhile now and realized, it was best to do this at this time so, I was thinking, Will you happily be my one and only?"


George ran to Dream and hugged him tightly before saying Yes.

The 2 men pulled away from the hug and ofc, Kissed (aaaahhhh, This was so nice to type!!!!)


Sorry if this is short, I am running out of ideas, I'm crying LOL.

Sooo~~~~ ya...

That's all for now....
I may not continue this story..
I am thinking on making an X female Reader stories since I've seen them and got inspired so I was wondering who I should do


Please choose one.
If I do make one, there will be no Smut/lemon becasue I'm not like that..that's gross and 2 of them are minors so ya, maybe fluff, idk..

Also thank you for all the read like wtf, Where you all coming from!!!

Welp that's all


Friendship To Relationship? // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now