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When George slightly opened his eyes, there was a bright sunlight facing him which made him groan loud enough to wake up Dream.

Dream's arms/hands were wrapped around George's waist with a tight grip which made George blush a bit. He is used to waking up like this but he still gets flustered whenever it happens.

"Morning, Dream, sorry to wake you.."

"No it's fine but morning to you too, Bubs.."

Dream gave George a nickname considering they have been together for almost 6 months straight, George liked the nickname as if he owned it himself. They got up to go eat since they were gonna leave soon so they can have them time (A Date XD, also thank you Mother for giving me the idea 🤚😭)

George was excited for today. He was going on a date in particular with Dream, after that, he wanted to stream with him but he couldnt have his face cam on since Dream didn't do a Face reveal yet..

"Hey, Dream~, can I ask you something?"


"After the dat- Day out, Can we stream, without a face cam of course.."

Dream smirked when George almost said date, he thought of it as a date but was to embarrassed to say it..

"Yeah, sure, we can do a stream. You can't have your face cam on though, I will stand up so no one can see my face, so they actually know I'm there, you know?"

"Good idea, Dream!"

They finished eating and went to go get a few things for the day out. Once they did, they drove off to the beach..

-At the beach-

"What do you wanna do first, Bubs?"

"Uhm.....How about swimming, I haven't swam in awhile, about like 2 years maybe.."

"Man, no swimming in 2 years, that's hurtful, but sure.."

They both were already in their swimming bottoms but they just had T-shirts on, but they took them off ofc. Once Dream managed to fully go in the water, George was still hesitating.

"You alright, Gogy?"

"Yeah, but....just a little scared.."

With that, Dream smirked and quickly went towards George and pulled him in. George screamed a bit but then he was pulled underwater for a second. When he came back up, he glared at Dream who was tea kettle wheezing.


As you know, Dream still kettle wheezed until he almost passed out.

-after 4 hours of being at the beach and on the way home-

"Did you have fun, Gogy?"

"Sure did, except the fact you pulled me in the water with out a warning.."

"That made it way more better than giving a warning.."

Dream chuckled and drove into the driveway..

"Go get ready for stream, I wanna get Sapnap here with us, so it'll be better in a way.."

"Oh, good idea, make sure he brings his lovebirds too!"

"Sure, that's fine.."

George got out of the car and went insid just to find Patches sitting right there..

"Oh jeez, Patches, you scared me. I think I know what you want.."

He walked over and refilled her cat dish with some food and proceeded to walk to his streaming room.

-after everyone met up a and started the stream-

"Hello, everybody. Today we have some special guest with us, about~~ 4 people here with me. The first is-"

"HELLO!!" Sapnap interrupted XD..

"Yes, Sapnap is here, then there is Karl.."

"Hi..." ofc Karl was shy LOL..


"Yoo, what is up chat!?" Quackity used his Mexican Dream voice (XD, I can't-)

"Ya, that's all. Oh wait...nope there is still one more.."

"Hello everybody, nice to see you chat.."

Dream stood in camera but his head was out of frame. As they all could tell, chat was freaking out, like spamming

Omg is that Dream?!?!



They all decided to play a horror game. Dream was out of camera but sitting next to George. The threesome were all on the ground laughing at every jumpscare George would encounter. And for George, bless his scared soul and heart.


Ok- so-

Yes I haven't been doing very well with life and all and with this tiring app, I hadn't had much time to work on the story so, ya, it's a bit short T^T

But other than that bullcrap-
Than you mother for giving me this idea of DNF going to da beach LOL

Well, that's all-


(756 words)

Friendship To Relationship? // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now