"Um..." Levi looked around the mess, finding a denim jacket hanging off the side of his bed. After shaking it off in case of any dust, crumbs, or wrinkles, he handed it over to Skye. "Here."

"Alright." After placing the items side by side and getting a good grasp of what the outfit would look like put together, Skye knew Levi would look good for his little date tonight. It would have been nice to let him leave the house a total wreck, but she cared too much to let Levi look bad. "Try this on."

"Now?" He furrowed his eyebrows. Levi can't just get changed in front of her. She didn't exactly want to see him half-naked either, so Skye was already one step ahead of him.

"No, when I walk out of the room." She said, already on her way out with her hand on the door handle. "Let me know when you're ready."


Skye stood beside the door as she waited for Levi to get changed, pulling out her phone to actually read what Levi had sent to her on her way here. They were all pretty much the same; asking where she was, was she okay, etc. It was kind of funny seeing Levi under such disarray, but when she remembered what it was all for, Skye didn't find it so funny anymore.

Just as she got carried away with her thoughts, Levi swung the door open, startling Skye a little. She peered her head to see the outfit brought to life, looking much better than it ever did in her head. He even paired the ensemble with black converse, something Skye would have actually suggested if he asked. All in all, Levi looked really good, and it was all thanks to her.

"Wow." Was all she could say. Levi didn't have much to say either, but what he did next spoke a thousand words.

"Thank you, Skye." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around Skye and pulled her in for a hug. It seemed she could never quite get used to his embrace, but in this instance, it felt way more different than hugs in the past. Skye found herself holding him as if the world depended on it, wishing he could be going out with her instead tonight, but all of her choices led to this very moment with watching Levi go out with another girl because she encouraged him to.

Once Levi pulled away from the hug, Skye looked away to hide her blushing cheeks. Seeing that her work here was done, she figured she better get going home and Levi better get going to his date. "I suppose you better be on your way now."

"Yeah, I'll walk you out." Levi made sure he had everything he needed and stepped out, walking down the stairs with Skye before heading outside to his car. He noticed how Skye's bike was laying on the ground as if she tossed it to the side and ran, which was exactly what she did upon her arrival. Levi also noticed how the sun had begun to go down, wanting to soak in the sunset with Skye while he could.

Without having to say a word, Skye and Levi watched the sunset together as they stood on the sidewalk, Levi glancing stares at Skye while she focused on the yellow sun getting lost in the pinkish-orange hue of the sky. Little did Skye know, Levi didn't really want to do this. He'd much rather watch the sunset with her than do anything else right now, and Skye felt the same for him.

As the afternoon turned into night, Levi knew he had to get going, but he was so hesitant about leaving Skye. He watched as she said "I better let you go now" and got on her bike, failing to notice the way her eyes began to well up. Levi stood frozen as he watched her prepare to leave, and as Skye turned her head to say goodbye, she wondered why Levi hadn't gotten a move on already.

"What are you waiting for? Go." That was it. That was what got Levi to go. For one split second, the lovestruck teenage boy had hope that Skye would tell him to stay here with her. All he wanted was for her to speak up, but Levi just didn't know that Skye was so scared and in love that she couldn't, at least not now.

Skye rode off by the time she saw Levi get into the driver's seat of his car, but he didn't actually drive off until he saw her presence fade away in the rearview mirror. She was long gone, already on her way in the direction towards her neighborhood. There was no going back now, and Levi had no choice but to drive away and go to Sadie's diner like Skye wanted him to, well, at least that's what he thought she wanted.

Levi was officially on his way to his date with Megan, and Skye was on her way somewhere, but it wasn't her home. With the way things were going, Skye knew she couldn't live in regret anymore. It was a lesson she should have learned a long time ago, but better late than never, right? She couldn't fix her situation with Levi, but there was one situation Skye could potentially fix, and she needed to do it now.

As Skye entered her neighborhood, she made a stop at a house she knew all too well. She hasn't stepped foot in that house in over six months, and if she were denied entry, then so be it. No more regrets. Skye would gain control in her life and her decisions starting now, and that started with the girl she once called her best friend.

Yes, her former best friend, the one that started it all. Nikki had always been on the back of her mind, and Skye had so many regrets about the way things went the night of their fight. What was the point of living without regret if Skye carried it on her shoulders constantly? If they could at least make some sort of amends, then that would be just enough for the first step in Skye's new path.

Parking her bike by the stairwell, Skye walked up the steps of the home, ringing the doorbell and standing patiently. This may be one of the most nerve-wracking moments of Skye's life, but she had to remember her newest vow; no more regrets. A few moments later, the door swung open, and there Nikki stood, shocked to see Skye standing in front of her right now.






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