Chapter 6: Team Up and Rescue

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Isolated Neighborhood

Stiles groans as he wakes up looking around taking in every detail of the room that he is in.

He looks down at his wrists seeing that they are taped down to a chair and so are his ankles.

"Great, this is like the 100th time that I've been friggin kidnapped." Stiles grumbles before looking up to see Derek who has a crazed look in his eyes.

"Still crazy, I see." Stiles says with a laugh before grunting when Derek slaps him with his claws out.

"That's gonna be there for a while, come on wolf boy, is that the best you got, COM'ON! COM'ON DEREK!" Stiles yells taunting the crazy werewolf.

'What am I thinking, he can literally rip out my throat with his teeth or... my god, man, I got to stop talking to myself.'

"What do you want from me?" Stiles asks in spanish knowing that he understands what he's saying.

He doesn't get an answer.

"So we're going back to that? Not talking?"

"If you keep talking I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek growls and Stiles laughs.

"You won't, you're obsessed with me." Stiles says with a large laugh

Derek growls at him and Stiles laughs.

"You sound like grumpy cat." Stiles says shaking his head smirking

Derek growls walking closer and closer to him.

"I'm gonna show everyone that YOU. ARE. MINE!" Derek growls as he brings his claws down Stiles' left cheek.

Stiles grunts turning his face away spitting out blood.

"Yeah? Cuz' let me tell you, this is gonna show you're a fucking sociopath and give me a few more scars, fido" Stiles says before groaning when Derek slashes him across the chest.

"Com'on you can do better than that." Stiles says laughing

Stiles grunts as Derek punches the claw marks, causing more blood to seep from his wounds.

"Yeah well, scars made BY ME!" Derek yells in his face, before punching him repeatedly in the face, knocking him out, but doing nothing to stop the oncoming torture.

Stiles' breaths are ragged and shallow when he wakes up. He hisses in pain when moves, he looks down, seeing he is covered in blood from more claw marks running from his shoulder to his hip, and some close to his neck and collarbone.

"...fucking physcopath..." He mutters before looking around, hoping to find something to help him get out of there.

He is just about to try and loosen his bindings when the door opens. Light shines through and blinding him briefly, before he blinks and sees Derek carrying in what looks like knives, tasers, and a lighter.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

"What do you mean Derek Hale took Stiles?" Fury says as he leads the pack inside his office.

"I mean, Stiles heard something last night, went to check it out, and got kidnapped by Derek, who is obsessed with him. We woke up in the morning with him gone and went to check it out, when we caught Derek's scent." Scott explains.

"Scent?" Clint asks.

"YES! We-" Scott points to himself, Isaac and Liam, "-are werewolves, Lydia is a badass banshee and Allison is a hunter and a skilled archer as well as perfect with knives. Now, can we try to find my brother before...he god..." Scott struggles as he finally takes in the danger that his brother is.

Lydia hurriedly comes up to him and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder before saying, "Can we move from the theatrics and save Stiles from imminent death because that's how crazy Derek is."

"I thought you said he was obsessed with Stiles?" Clint asks, still confused as Natasha and Maria come into the room.

"He is obsessed with Stiles, but not the type where he wants to love him, it's more like you're mine and you're mine only, Derek is crazy and we need to save Stiles NOW!" Liam yells, done with all the talking when the person that he thinks of as a father could be getting hurt.

This spurs them into action, they put up bolos with both Derek's and Stiles' faces on them.

They have been searching for an hour when Clint gets a lead.

"HEY! I FOUND HIM!" He yells.

"What where?!" Scott yells, eager to find him.

"Apparently a couple saw them go into some building, they said the big one was carrying the other because he 'passed out' and proceeded to carry him into a bought off home in an isolated neighborhood.

"Ok then let's go!" Isaac yells, getting ready.

"Wait, we need a plan!" Clint shouts.

"Yeah, save Stiles, kill Derek, get the fuck out of there" Scott says before noting the address and leaving.

The others stare in shock before following him out and speeding over to the address.

When they get there, Scott kicks the door in, and runs inside, listening for heartbeats when suddenly he hears a scream coming from the basement.

"GO! Stiles is in the basement, I got Derek" Scott yells as Clint rushes to the basement.

When Clint opens the door, he looks horrified at the 18 year old boy, chained to the ceiling with slashes, cuts, and burn marks running down his body. He sees Derek and shoots him in the thigh before running towards Stiles.

"Hey buddy, I'm gonna need to keep your eyes open for me, okay?" He sees quietly but frantically before he starts unchaining him.

"S-hrts" Stiles slurs, eyes drooping.

"I know but you gotta keep your eyes open, can you do that for me buddy?" He says as carries Stiles bridal style, his bloody head resting on Clint's shoulder.

"N-stp...hrts t-mch" Stiles slurs before finally giving in to the darkness.

"No, NO!" Clint yells, worried, "GUYS! GET AN AMBULANCE NOW!"

Just as he says this he hears sirens approaching. He heads up the stairs and leaves the house, carrying a bloody Stiles to the ambulance. He lays him on the gurney before the ambulance speeds away.

The pack and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team look teary eyed and horrified before they rush to get to the hospital.

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