chapter 19

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Most people have been on edge since Harry announced that Voldemort's back, a lot of people have been in denial for the matter.

Daphne woke up and got ready for the day. She headed to breakfast with Pansy and Millicent (Millie). She sat with Millie on her left and Theo on her right. Blaise was across from Theo, and next to Blaise was Malfoy.

"What's up Daphne?" Theo questioned, concerned why she wasn't being her 'normal' self. She faced him and replied to him, "I miss Arabella, like a lot. I don't know, I just feel like everyday something is missing." She sighed at the end of her sentence and laid her head on his shoulder. Pansy spoke up, "I didn't really ever talk to her, I feel like she has something against me honestly." Daphne replied, "She doesn't have anything against any of you really, well besides Draco. She said and I quote, 'bullying isn't cute'. But-" Draco retorted back, "I am not a bully! I just put everyone in their place." Daphne rolled her eyes, "Right, okay anyway, she doesn't not like you Pansy. She just is closed off." Daphne shrugged it off. "Reminds me of someone I know" Theo said motioning at Blaise. Blaise replied with his usual expression, "I'm not closed off, I just can't stand half the people here." Daphne was going to say something when the mail came in. Daphne's face lit up when she received Arabella's letter. She put it in her bag with the intention to open it later, and continued eating and talking with those around her.

Daphne walked with Blaise to Potions because Theo was running late. They made it into the classroom and parted ways for their seats. Blaise originally sat next to Arabella, but is now sitting with Mille.

Blaise excused himself to the bathroom about midway through class. He entered the bathroom to see Theo with some other girl. Blaise chuckled to himself, causing the two to look towards, "I gotta say Nott, you are unpredictable. But I did not see that coming" he said bitterly before he continued, "you have a week to sort this out, or I'm doing it for you." He scoffed and exited and used another bathroom.

Meanwhile in class, Daphne was talking to Pansy, who she surprisingly grew closer too. The girls were obvious acquaintances being a part of the "Sacred 28." They actually had tons in common and grew closer since Arabella left.

Blaise came back and took his seat again. Thirty minutes or so later, class was dismissed. Blaise sat in the common room, mostly reading and working on homework before dinner.

Daphne spent her time in her dorm on Arabella's bed, doing her work.

Dinner was tense around Theo, mostly because Blaise knew what was going on behind Daphne's back. He'd felt bad for her, she'd been completely oblivious to the whole situation. After a painfully long dinner, he went back to his room, took a nice, warm shower, and headed to bed.

Little Diggory || Blaise Zabiniحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن