And with that, he pressed his thumb on her bandage as she bit her lips to supress her scream of pain and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Open your eyes" he applied more pressure on his thumb as her eyes opened and a single tear cascaded down her face in pain.

"Break up with him" he repeated as blood started trickling down from her wound, turning the bandage scarlet.

"N-No!" she squeaked out, not able to take the pain anymore as her legs flew up to reach his groin. But before she could kick him down there, his spare hand grabbed her knee and halted her movement.

An evil smile broke out on his face as he leaned in more, their lips almost touching as multiple tears now escaped her eyes.

"You took me by surprise yesterday little girl, so you got away so easily" he pressed his lips on the corner of her mouth, his beard brushing against her lips as her heart went crazy "It won't happen again"

He slammed his lips against her as his hands left her neck and knee and wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.

She screamed in surprise in his mouth, but it all drowned when he kissed her harder, almost crushing her mouth. The kiss was brutal, punishing and almost violent but most of all, it was passionate.

His tongue poked her tightly sealed mouth as his warm hands slipped inside her flimsy tank top. She jolted in shock and that's when his tongue entered her mouth and probed every corner.

After almost minutes of struggling, Aria gave up and tried her best not to moan. The movement of his tongue were rough almost as if he was fucking her mouth.

He sucked on her lower lip while slightly biting it. Her hands fisted on his chest as his fingers traced her spine. He hummed in content as he finally broke the kiss.

Aria gasped for air as her face flushed a deep red, she tried pushing him away but to no avail. He pecked her lips again while looking at her with eyes full of desire "Delicious" he mumbled.

"Get away!" she said.

"Now, will you break up with him?" as always he chose to say what he wanted and ignored what she said. Her tear glazed eyes peered up at him in fury.


All expressions left his face as he looked at her with an indifferent face "Oh" he said but still looked at her suspiciously.

"He's adopted" she answered his unasked question.

"Should have told me" he said carelessly as he left her side and walked towards her kitchen.

He sat on the kitchen stool as if he owned the house and picked up the sandwich which was left abandoned on the plate.

"Hey! That was my breakfast!" she shouted as she saw him taking a bite from it.

"What's yours is mine now" he replied simply while smirking a bit, going back to his original form as if nothing happened.

"What the fuck?" she cursed as she walked towards the kitchen and drank milk from the carton.

He stole a glance at her as the milk dribbled down her delicate neck, now adorned with his marks, and then down her plump breasts. Surely a skimpy tank top did nothing to hide her voluptuous figure.

He licked the mayonnaise off his lips as he felt his pants tightening "You should stop cursing so much" he remarked as she gulped down the milk and glared at him, a low belch escaped her mouth.

Except for her figure and her cute little face, there was nothing ladylike in her.

"Do you know how to mind your own business?" she retorted snarkily as he let out a low chuckle.

"It is my business now, kitten"

"Why?" she asked, annoyed as she saw him taking another bite from the sandwich.

"You are really slow, aren't you Aria?" he muttered while chewing carelessly "It's because you are mine now"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Says who? If a kiss can make two people a couple, then I would've had a lot of boyfriends" she said, clearly trying to mock him.

The sandwich crumpled in his hands at her words as all the humor left his face "Shut up and go get ready" he dismissed.

"Why?" she asked the same question again as he groaned loudly.

"Can you ask less questions?" he snapped as she rolled her eyes and indicated him to continue.

"We are going out for breakfast"


( Aria's  Penthouse )

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( Aria's  Penthouse )

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