3. Projection Room

Start from the beginning

"What's up Marianna?" Jimin let out in between his teeth.

"Well, I was just wondering when you wanted to practice for the showcase? I know you're an amazing singer and dancer so I thought we could play a bit on that!" She rambled on, twirling her blonde hair around her finger, not taking her eyes off of him for a second.

"I'll have to have a look at my schedule-"

"I'm free right now! Perfect! I know the auditorium is free." She clapped her freshly manicured hands before grabbing hold of him and pulling him down the corridor. "Bye Georgiekins!" She let out sarcastically, as she passed me hiding behind my locker door.

"Fucking bitch," I growled under my breath, closing my locker with a slam.

"Who's a bitch?" A deep baritone asked, making me jump again as they appeared out of no where.

"OH MY GOD! You scared me!" I screamed, raising my hand to my heart in attempt to bring my heart rate back down.

I began to break out in a sweat as my eyes adjusted to the bronzed, chocolatey eyed man towering over my body, crossing his arms impatiently as I stood there gawking.

"Hello? Excuse me?" Taehyung began to nudge me.

Don't touch me, it will only make it worse.

"I'm okay!" I squeaked, resisting the urge to hightail it out of the school building.

"Okay... Well, I think we're paired together for this showcase thing. I was just coming to ask if you wanted to go somewhere and practice?"

I want to do more than practice. I want to have your babies.

I couldn't help but just stare at him as he spoke. His jawline tensed every time he finished a a sentence and it was so hot. Everything about him was illegal.

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" He asked again, screwing his face up at my apparent gormless expression.

I forced out a sorry before wrapping my arms around my body as he inadvertently glanced down to take in my form. "I'm free now?"

"Now?" He pondered, looking slightly taken aback by my suggestion. "Erm, I guess I have like half an hour before basketball practice."

"That's cool!" I laughed awkwardly, internally cringing at myself. My social skills were usually good, you can't be best friends with someone like Jimin for years and be a quiet nobody, it's literally impossible.

"Are you coming?" He tsked, already walking away from me.

"Yes! Sorry!" I called out, running down the hallway after him like a pathetic little puppy.

"Why do you apologise so much? It's kind of annoying."

"Oh... I don't know... Sorry."

"You just did it again..." he complained, looking down at me in annoyance. "So you're Jimin's neighbour right?" He asked, approaching the auditorium doors.

My heart dropped into my chest as I realised that's how invisible I was to him. He didn't even know who I was.

Looking down to the floor and hugging my bag tightly against my chest, I corrected him politely. "He's more than just my neighbour, he's my best friend. We've known each other for thirteen-"

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