Balance: Ephedian

Start from the beginning

"Dawn!" Auriana and Lyna waved her over, excitedly chattering about the day. Nathaniel and Chandler nodded at me as I joined the group. Talia and Chandler were standing apart, avoiding each other as much as possible. Dawn shot a glance at me, but dropped her eyes once she realized I was looking at her. 

Iris spread a map out onto the table. 

"Lyna, we will be visiting yours first, to check and interview the last survivor from the Wailing Willows. 

She nodded gratefully, proud to return back to her kingdom. 

"The city of Kristaro, where one of the five knights were buried will be next. That's the one that was the most recently destroyed."

At that exact moment, another earthquake shook the earth. 

"Everybody, get under the table!" Talia shrieked. There was no mistaking it, it was a large table. 

We all heard the sound of a deafening crash. Above, the chandelier pinned us to the ground, as everyone tried unsuccessfully to get out from underneath the table. Lyna whimpered in fear. 

We were pinned to the ground. 

"Lyna, you have you crystal powers! Help!" Auriana strained, as the chandelier's weight started to crack the table. 

"I-I can't!" she yelled. Next to me, her arms were pinned to the ground by a piece of the ceiling that had fallen.  We were losing oxygen pretty fast. 

"What should we do?" Dawn asked, trying to stay calm. In the middle, it was starting to crack pretty badly. The sides were already crumbling from the pressure. 

There was a small, metal stick, used to hold the chandelier up when need be. Reaching over to grab it, I started banging on the leg of the table. The clattering of footsteps was heard. 

"MS!" a maid frantically whispered. 

"Help them!" one said urgently. 

THe sound of armor was heard throughout the hallway. 

"Crystal Cranea!" a woman's sure voice yelled the spell. Next to me, Dawn grinned gratefully. 

Through the cracks, a pink, shimmering crystal hand-shaped object took the chandelier off the table, through the main entrance, and onto the grass in the front. 

Iris was the first to get out. She looked around, wanting to thank the person that set us free. 


"Iris!" she breathed a sigh of relief. 

"None of you were crushed?"

"No, we were pinned to the ground, though."

"How'd you learn to do that? We had to use two people."

"Lots of practice. And a great teacher."


The Queen got a faraway look in her eye. 


"O-Oh. Nevermind." she dismissed the question. 

Iris walked back to the table, and embraced Nathaniel, who hugged her gratefully. I remember when Dawn used to be like that. 

But I shouldn't think about her. She has so clearly moved on...

"We should go." Carissa said, as she slung her half-crushed backpack onto her shoulder. 

"Lyna, are you okay?" Chandler asked. 

"Yeah. My arms a little sore." she replied, as she coughed. 

Iris motioned for us to follow her, and she smiled as  she disappeared into the light surrounding the door. 

Flashback to 5 years after Graymorr's defeat, on the anniversary of Illene's death

"You didn't have to go!" Gedeon screamed. Tears ran down his cheeks as he laid flowers in front of his mother's gravestone. 

Here lies Illene, mother of Gedeon. She did much good in her life. 

"I'll bring you back one day. I'll bring father back too. Then we can all be a family again." he smiled bitterly. 

"Gedeon, I'm sorry." a voice whispered. 

Gedeon whirled around, to find King Harrick standing there, his eyes heavy. 

"What do you want?! You killed her!" he yelled, throwing piece of rocks at his head. He put his hands in front of him, and a sharp, pointed crystal shot at the King. 

A look of shock crossed Gedeon's face through his tear-stained cheeks. 

"She had a sickness. There was nothing I could do-"

"I don't want your excuses!"Gedeon shouted. 

"I'm going to bring them back." he declared, glaring at the King. 

"Gedeon, don't go down the same path of hate your father-"

"Don't speak like you knew him." Gedeon snarled. 

"Just, try to heed my advice." the King pleaded. 

"I'm not taking advice from a tyrant." he snapped. 

The King receded back into the shadows, watching as Gedeon's only world crumbling beneath his feet. 

"I'll bring you back." he swore. 

"Whatever it takes."

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now