After a useless minute of her desperately trying to convince Derek she was innocent, she paused and finally stated, "They're already here, aren't they?"

Despite the fact that I could barley walk as it is, the three of us erupted from the darkness and faced Jennifer and Derek. Jennifer looked at all of us but her eyes lingered on me the most. She knew what I was and what I could do. For some reason, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that my abilities could be used for her advantage.

She glanced at all us of, hatefully, "So...they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?"

Scott clenched his fist, "We told him that you're the one killing people."

"Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Jennifer was lying with bad acting mixed into it.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles chocked out, his eyes filled with unleashed tears but one slid right down his cheek. I know what it's like to have your family ripped away from you. That part of you taken away and never to return.

"How should I know?" Jennifer innocently said and I wanted no more than to punch her right in the face.

"Because you took him you spineless bitch." I hissed, venom lacing in on every word that left my lips.

She narrowed her eyes at me until she turned to Derek, "Derek, tell me you don't believe this."

Derek looked at us, expressionless. We were the three people who have stood by him and helped him for the past year. Yes, we had a disagreements and our fights but no matter what happened, we were a pack. Oddly, his eyes locked into mine and stayed there. Even though Derek was a brooding and some-what angry man, we always shared one thing in common; we had no one.

Finally, he looked back at Jennifer, "Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?"

"No." Jennifer defensively said, sounding as if he was absurd.

"Ask her why she almost killed me and Lydia." I quirked an eyebrow at her, my voice sharp as a knife.

"You and Lydia Martin? I know nothing about anything about that." She replied while I looked at her in disgust.

"Then what do you know?" Derek demanded and I smiled slightly. He was beyond irritated and a part of me assumed he knew Jennifer was lying.

"I know that these teenagers, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story." Jennifer said before whipping her head to the three of us, snapping, "One they can't prove by the way."

"What if we can?" Scott declared, shaking the jar slightly.

"What is that?" She questioned, her voice becoming dangerous low.

Scott stepped forward, "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure... which means you can use it... and it can be used against you." He then untwisted the lid on the jar.

Jennifer took a few steps away from Derek, glaring at the jar with repulsive disgust, "Mistletoe?" She sneered but didn't have time to react quick enough. Scott tossed the brown powder onto her. The powder acted as if dust that wrapped around her, engulfing her into the mist. That's when her real face was shown - the Darach.

Once the dust cleared, Jennifer was slightly hunched over, panting and coughing. Derek gawked at her, incredibly shocked that his new found girlfriend was a killer. Scott and Stiles looked surprised as well horrified. It wasn't that terrifying to me since I've seen it already. First time a charm I guess.

Say Something ━━ Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now