She could be borderline drunk.

"So let me get this straight. Daniel who I met in May was four months old at the time because that's what you said. We had drunk sex before filming started in April. Add nine months, we're in January." Olivia's eyes started to grow wide with worry. "You said his birthday is in December, but he wasn't born prematurely putting you getting pregnant in the month of March. So what's the truth because I wasn't with you in March."

She waved her hand dismissively. "I think I'm actually on my fourth glass of wine, now that I think about it. My mind is a little fuzzy. You're right though. He was born in January not December. I'm sorry, I'm dumb." She smacked the side of her head lightly.

"You want to know what I think? I think you're lying."

She gasped and her eyes looked shocked from the accusation. "You were right Tom. He was born in Janu-"

"Tell me what the truth is!" I started to raise my voice from the anger that was building up inside.

"Tom I-"

I didn't let her finish. I didn't need to hear any other lie tonight. I started to walk out the front door, but she raised her voice back at me to get me to stop.

"Fine! Fine, he was born in December." I turned around with a glare in my eye. Her voice started to get all pitchy like she does when she's caught in a lie. "I guess he was born a little premature?"

I turned around and slammed the front door on my way out.

"Tom! I can explain." I stopped only a foot away from my car. I spun around on my heel and nodded my head for her to continue. She hesitated, and I could see a glistening in her eye where tears were forming. "Daniel isn't yours."

I let out a small laugh. It wasn't a happy laugh, but more of a 'I can't believe what's happening right now' laugh.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I placed both my hands on my hips trying so hard not to go up and punch my car door.

"Yes." I met her eye and challenged her to rethink that question. "No."

"Who is the dad then?"

A single tear fell from her eye. More were threatening to fall as her lip started to quiver. "I don't know. It was some guy I met at a bar. I was out with some friends, and he wanted to have a one night stand."

I ran a hand through my hair and looked at the ground. "My last question then is why? Why did you tell me he was mine. Why did you let me help you raise him when you knew all along he did not belong to me?" I couldn't help but yell now. This was some over the top bullshit.

"I didn't want to be alone in this. You were so drunk that night, I knew if I could get you to sleep with me then you would believe that he was actually yours. I tried to make it happen again to really sell it, but you were always pining after (y/n). Why did you think I was always around or trying to get you alone? When filming ended, I knew I would see you at the premiere so I wanted to tell you then. Nobody could tell he was a month older than what I said."

At this point, my mouth was on the floor. "So you used me."

"I did what I had to do. I meant it when I said we belong together. This was supposed to help prove that."

"You are insane!"

She watched as I opened my car door before yelling again. "So that's it? You're just going to leave?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do. All I know is that I can not be here right now."

"She's not going to take you back you know."

Say You'll Stay | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now