Ch. 12 Dinner Party Invitation

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Your hurt face felt better after another nap, so that afternoon you decided to take a walk down to the park near your apartment. There was a small lake there with a wooden pier where people sometimes went to fish. Most of the time, though, it was empty, and the perfect place to think and pass the time. And you certainly had a lot to think about. 

Just as you had hoped, the pier was empty when you got there, so you sat down, dangling your feet over the edge as you thought back over the events of last night.

The fire. The chaos. Shigaraki. And Dabi.... Yeah, you hadn't known him long, but still.. you hadn't expected this from him. 

As mad and exhausted as you were, when he'd dropped you off last night (this morning? it was hard to tell, the hours were running together), you hadn't resisted when he followed you up the stairs, or when he got in your bed. And you sort of hated yourself for that, too. 

But that was the last time. It wouldn't happen again.

Why was this all so confusing? Your eyes started to tear up the more you thought about what had happened, but you tried to shove those feelings to the side.

When you got down to it, were people all just really terrible? 

Okay, you tried to tell yourself, not everything was bad right now. Your rent was covered, thanks to the mysterious payments that had been made, and now you apparently had a new job. 

It was too bad that this new job was working for the craziest person in town. 

Apparently you were a magnet for crazy bosses. You would have laughed at this idea if you didn't feel awful about all of it. 

What a fucking mess.


You looked up and were surprised to see one of Bakugo's friends standing beside you. 

The last time you'd seen Shoto Todoroki he had been drop dead gorgeous in his perfectly fitted tux, but right now he was dressed down in regular pants and a hoodie pulled up around his head. Not that that made him any less gorgeous. Sunglasses hid his beautiful eyes, but his two-tone hair let you know exactly who he was.

"Hey. Shoto, right?"

"Yes. And you're y/n."

"That's me."

"Mind if I sit?" he asked, taking off his sunglasses. How could you say no to those eyes?

You shook your head, and he sat down next to you on the pier.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Good! You?"

"You don't look good."

"Well, that's rude."

Todoroki reached up and gently touched your face. You started to jerk away but then you remembered. The bruise. You'd forgotten what it must look like.  Apparently the make up wasn't doing its job. 

"I'm sorry," he said. "I meant this. What happened?"

"Oh," you were a little surprised by the feeling of his hand touching you so it was hard to think of a lie quickly.  "I ran into.. the wall. Yep. A wall. Came out of nowhere." 

Inwardly you cringed at how awkward that sounded. 

He kept his hand by your cheek, and it suddenly became very cold. 

"Let me ice it a little to bring down the swelling." That's when you realized he was using his quirk against the bruise. You let him keep his hand there; honestly it did feel better while he was doing that.

Worst Boss Ever (Bakugoxreader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon