Ch. 45 New Jewelry

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Shoto was going to be home any minute now to take you to dinner, and you still couldn't find your bracelet. It wasn't in the guest room – no, not the guest room, it was now the studio - the word felt too pretentious to even say out loud, or your bedroom.

The last time you remembered wearing it was when you were in Shoto's room. When the two of you had...

You groaned, wishing you could turn back time and change that decision. Who were you kidding, there were a lot of decisions you would change if you could, most a thousand times worse than the decision to have sex with Shoto Todoroki.

He wasn't back from work yet so you wandered into his room to see if you could find it. His bed was neatly made, but maybe it had fallen under it? Truthfully you hadn't been paying much attention to where things went when you both stripped your clothes off. There was no telling where the bracelet had ended up.

Crouching down on the floor, you felt around under the bed, but....nothing.

The red tie he wore last night was on his dresser, but no sign of your bracelet. You picked up the tie to look under it, but grimaced when the scent from the tie hit your nose. It smelled like smoke and old food, not unlike the way you smelled when you came home from work. Must have been a wild benefit dinner for the hospital, you decided, placing it back on the dresser.

Had he put your bracelet with his things on the bedside table? You started looking through it, opening each drawer. But when you pulled open the bottom drawer, you almost stopped breathing.

Nestled against the side of the drawer was a tiny box. A jewelry box. Ring sized.

No fucking way.

That was your first thought at least.

Trying to be more rational, you realized that it could be a class ring. Did UA give out class rings? Surely they gave out class rings. That was all. A class ring. You wouldn't know for certain though, unless you looked for yourself.

You had a split second to decide whether or not to take the box out and open it. But even though you felt like couldn't breathe, you also couldn't help yourself, you had to do it. You had to know.

As soon as you lifted the lid, you saw the light hit the diamond.

Holy shit.

That's a big diamond.

There was no way that ring was for you... right? You'd been living together for just over a month and you weren't even really living together, in that way. But as far as you knew, it wasn't like there was someone else he would be giving the ring to, so really, what the fuck?

Truthfully, the design of the ring was a little more over the top than you would have liked, but there was no doubt that it was beautiful. Fuck, what were you even thinking, this was insanity. You hardly knew each other.

You heard a noise in the other room, so you quickly closed the box and shoved it back in the drawer.

Mere seconds later Shoto walked in the bedroom. Could he hear your heart beating out of your chest?

"Y/n. What... what are you doing in here?"

"Nothing," you said probably too quickly. You took a deep breath to stay calm. "I was looking for my bracelet."

"I haven't seen it. Give me a second and I'll be ready to go," he said, going to his closet to change clothes. He grabbed his red tie from the dresser on the way, tossing it in the hamper.

You quickly walked out of the bedroom and tried to shake out your nerves.

What if he took the ring with him tonight? Oh god, was he going to propose tonight? You started to feel sick and noticed that your hands were shaking.

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