Ch. 3 Lock The Door

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"I got your tux from the dry cleaner and reserved the limo to come get you from here tonight."

Bakugo aggressively stabbed at his salad while you stood in front of his desk and explained the plan for this evening.

The hero commission had invited Bakugo to tonight's awards ceremony celebrating "heroes to watch." He had even been asked to give a short speech, which you had of course written yourself.

He looked up when you said the word "limo." You had anticipated this reaction and were ready.

"You can't just take a taxi to the awards ceremony like a regular person," you explained. "If you want to be the best, you have to act like the best. You're taking the limo and that's the end of it."

"I will be the number -."

"I know, I know," you interrupted. "One day you'll be the number one hero, etc etc.  I don't need to hear that speech again," you muttered. "On that note, we really should think about hiring someone to handle your PR and marketing."


"I mean, you. Sorry. But you need it. Have you ever searched for your name on Tik Tok? Because..."

"No, I don't have time for stupid shit like that."

"Good because... " you weren't sure what to say next. You shuddered. "Just don't."

While he finished eating you rattled through the rest of the updates from the day.

It was the end of your first week working for Bakugo and much to the surprise of the staffing agency, and yourself as well, you hadn't quit or been fired.


You were actually making a little progress. Bakugo let you purchase some new furniture so slowly the office was starting to look like an entirely new space. Even though he never said it, he had to be pleased.

You straightened his tux on its hanger, set out his shoes, and checked the time. "All set. You need to get ready and then probably practice your speech."

He picked up his phone. "I need to make a few calls."

"And then get ready and practice your speech. Is there anything else you need for tonight?" you asked.


"Great. Then if it's okay with you, I'm going to go home early." Dabi was supposed to meet you out tonight and you wanted to make sure you had time to get ready. You had a new dress and sexy lingerie that you were dying to show him.

Bakugo put his phone down.

"Go home early?"

"So is that a no?"

"It's a no. If I'm here, you're here."


"No. Go do something so I can actually get some work done."

You headed back to your desk grumbling about your pain in the ass boss for probably the hundredth time this week.

Arrogant. Demanding. Rude. You could keep going.

But he'd finally let you start keeping his calendar and that's when you'd seen something else. The events on his schedule made you rethink a few things.

Tour of children's hospital. Blood drive at a local university. Volunteer hours at the animal shelter.

You'd confirmed these appointments for him, surprised each time that he had said yes to each of them, no matter how small the event was.

Worst Boss Ever (Bakugoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now