Ch. 41 Boys Night Out

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"Ladies, meet my friends!"

Kirishima and Bakugo looked up to see Kaminari coming toward them with three giggling girls in tow. It was obvious from the way they were hanging on him and babbling about heroes that this was a bad idea.

They'd picked a table near the pack, hoping to avoid notice in the crowded bar, but that seemed to be exactly the opposite of what Kaminari had in mind.

"But Chargebolttttttt," one of them said, singing Kaminari's name in what sounded to Bakugo like the most annoying voice ever. "Can't you get me Eraserhead's autograph? ....or number?"

"Forget him," the other one said. "Do you guys know pro hero Mind Fuck?"

"The brainwasher? Oh yeah," the first girl agreed. "He's so hot."

"Or that other one, the blonde guy with the beefy arms who can move through anything."

"He could move through me."

Kirishima and Bakugo exchanged a look as the girls prattled on about which heroes were the hottest and which made the most money. 

Forget Kaminari, if they weren't six drinks in at this point, the two of them would have had the presence of mind to leave immediately. Instead they stayed in their chairs and simply stared.

"Who cares about those heroes when you have three right here!" Kaminari said, his arm going around the waist of one of the girls. She laughed and leaned into him, whispering something in his ear.

"The grumpy cat over there is Bakugo," Kaminari pointed him out for the girls, "and this handsome shark boy is my man Kirishima."

"I'm not a damn – what the hell is this - " Bakugo stopped short as Kaminari practically pushed one of the girls toward him, and she landed in his lap. One of his hands tried to keep his drink from spilling, while the other tried moving her off him. Even so, she wrapped her arms around his neck and anchored herself in place.

"Denki told us that you're a famous hero. What's your hero name?"

Bakugo didn't answer and instead glared over at Kaminari who gave him two thumbs up before his tongue went back down the throat of the girl he was with.

"I'm not here to make new friends," Bakugo told her. "So can you get off me now or..."

"That's okay, I don't want to be just friends either," she smirked as one of her hands started to pet his face.

"All right, time to go. Either get up or I'll move you myself."

"Please do," she said, her eyes lighting up. ""I have a healing quirk," she continued. "You wouldn't need any....healing, would you?"

"For fucks sake," Bakugo muttered. "You sound like my ex."

Kirishima wasn't doing much better. His face looked about as red as his hair as the third girl tried to talk to him, pressing him for answers on just exactly how 'hard' he could get.

Thankfully he was saved by their server bringing them another round of shots.

"No thanks. I'm... uh... I'm going to go find the bathroom," Kirishima muttered. "Sorry, ladies. If you'll excuse me..."

Kirishima managed to get away from the group and headed into the crowd. He cringed when he noticed that the TV's behind the bar were showing that same hero gossip show they'd watched earlier. I'll go to the bar and ask them to change it, he decided.


"You know he's going to be pissed if you keep these TVs on the news," you told the other bartender working with you that night.

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