Ch. 7 What's Next?

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Bakugo had almost caught up with you by the time you reached the first landing.

It was these damn heels that slowed me down, you grumbled to yourself. You'd been dressed for a night at the club, not a night running up stairs as you fled from a person you were definitely, absolutely, no way no how, ever going to be attracted to.

This was his fault. Sure, you were mad at yourself for even running up the stairs in the first place, as if there was something to run from. But if he hadn't insisted on taking the taxi with you, and then insisted on following you up the stairs, then this awkward moment wouldn't have happened in the first place. It was true that, yeah, you had touched his chest, and yeah, that kind of touch had sent a little spark through you, but that was it. Nothing more.

There was certainly nothing more to say to Bakugo, and you knew that there was zero reason why the two of you needed to spend even one more moment together. After everything that had happened tonight, you really just wanted to go home, forget all this, and go to bed.

"What is the matter with you?" Bakugo shouted as he managed to get in front of you. He stood in your way so that you couldn't go past him.

"With me? Nothing. I'm trying to go home and you're over here acting like a stalker."

"I'm not a stalker," Bakugo huffed. "Excuse me for wanting to make sure a girl got home safe and not murdered in this... place," he said, casting his eyes around at your apartment building.

"Wow," you said. "I didn't realize that part of being a hero was also being a snob. Well, now that you see that I'm safe, you can go, goodbye," you said, trying to move around him to go up the last flight of stairs.

He grabbed your arm to stop you.


Just then a large group of teenagers started coming down the stairs. They were loud and happy and noisy, obviously on their way to a fun night out. There were so many of them that they took up the whole staircase, forcing you and Bakugo over to the side. He turned around so his back was to them when they passed, probably so they wouldn't recognize him, but it meant that he was now right in front of you, pressed close to make room for them.

After the teenagers passed, the empty staircase felt oddly quiet with just the two of you there, your back still against the wall, his hand still on your arm. He was so close, dangerously close, close enough that you could hear him breathing.

Why couldn't he just leave you alone? Why did he have to be so irritating? Why did he have to also have this look on his face that kind of made you want to melt inside?

No. No. No, no, no, you told yourself. This was not how this was supposed to be.

You have a boyfriend. You knew Dabi wasn't at your apartment because he had canceled your date and he wasn't even sure if he'd see you tomorrow. So you were just going home to an empty apartment, unless...

No. There were so many reasons why this was a no, and aside from having a boyfriend, the first and most important reason was that Bakugo was a hero. He was one of them. No matter how hot he looked tonight, and every night, no matter how you had felt when your hands brushed each other's in the taxi, no matter how delicious he smelled right now... it couldn't happen. You'd been down this road before and it had only ended in heartbreak.

What were you thinking? Bakugo would probably call you an idiot for even thinking about this in the first place.

She smells so good.

"So do you," you whispered.


Your eyes got wide and met his as you realized that he hadn't said anything at all. Without even meaning to, you had used your quirk to read his mind. His thoughts had just come to you, easy, as if they had simply slipped into your own thoughts. This had never happened at work, but then again you had never really been this close to him before.

"Nothing," you muttered, mad at yourself for doing the one thing you had promised yourself to not do anymore. So now you could add another reason why nothing could happen here. "I'm sorry. I need to go."

You scooted out from him and he let you go past. You didn't dare look behind you to see if he was watching. 

Once inside your apartment, you shut the door behind you, let out a deep breath, and sank down onto the floor in the darkness.

This was it. It was over. The job, his agency... him. You were never going to have to deal with that judgmental asshole again.

So why didn't you feel relieved? 


"Are you reading my mind right now, baby?" Dabi asked softly as he crawled up your body on the bed. 

"I don't have to read your mind," you chuckled and wrapped your legs around him, bringing him close. "I know exactly what you're thinking."

Dabi grinned as his eyes roamed your body, his whole face looking like a cat ready to devour its prey. "But think how much fun it would be if you did. Then you'd know all the dirty things I think of doing to you."

He was about to kiss you when his phone rang. "Duty calls," he said, standing up and going into the other room to take the call.

This was how it always was with him. The mysterious phone calls, the late night errands. You hadn't noticed it at first, but now that you hadn't had a job for the past three weeks, it had started to become frustrating. 

It was true that your boyfriend had been a great distraction from the looming problems that were creeping closer and closer. One of those problems, obviously, was money. It was near the end of the month and rent was due soon. 

The hiring agency that had sent to you Bakugo's agency refused to send you out on interviews since you'd been fired. And other hiring agencies wouldn't work with you because the first one wouldn't. It was like a circle of frustration. This meant you had to try to reach out to places on your own, but so far it had all been nothing but dead ends. 

You'd even broken down and called a couple hero agencies as a last resort, even though you swore you wouldn't work at one of those again, but for some reason as soon as you gave your name, you got a polite, but firm, no. It was as if Bakugo had sent out word to others to not hire you. 

You sighed. Thinking about your job made you think about him, which made you think about him following you up the steps, which made you think about how that night could have ended. But even if that night replayed in your head over and over again, those were things that were better left alone.

This led to your other problem. This problem, the one that actually bothered you more than the possibility of being kicked out of your apartment, was that sometimes, and only sometimes, when you were kissing your boyfriend, you were picturing someone else.

Dabi came sauntering back into your bedroom before those thoughts went anywhere else. "Seriously though," he said, putting his phone away. "It's really too bad that you're so ashamed of your quirk. You've been moping around about losing your job, but I know people who would pay a lot of money for someone like you."

"Now you're making me sound like a prostitute."

"On some level, aren't we all? Everyone gets paid to do something. You might as well make it something you're good at."

"I guess."

"You don't even need to work," Dabi continued, sitting down on the bed. "You could watch people at banks and learn their account info. You could find out the best times to rob anyone's house by knowing when they'll be out. Oh and think of the damage we could do in a card game..."

"Aren't you listening to me?" you asked, tugging on his ear gently. "I'm not going to do any of that. I told you, I don't use my quirk."

"That's just not smart, baby girl. At the end of the day, everyone is out for themselves, and you should be too."


"Trust me, baby, I know. Speaking of tonight, I'm taking you out. I want to introduce you to some friends of mine. They want to see what you can do."

"Wait. You told them? After I asked you not to tell anyone?"

"I'm proud of my girl," Dabi shrugged. "And I'm tired of you acting so miserable. So you got fired? Who cares, it was just a job. I have a new one for you already lined up." 

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