Ch. 56 Unraveling

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Shoto looked up as you burst into the dressing room, slamming the door behind you with a loud bang, hopefully loud enough that a certain someone would hear it. 

"You changed dresses?" Shoto asked, obviously confused. "That's what you needed to do?"

You only shrugged, a smile on your face as you walked toward him. 

"I liked the red one, but this one looks nice too, though," he said. "I'm so glad this is almost over. Once Dabi shows up and Hawks arrests him, we can enjoy this party, we can- "

"We can do whatever we want!" you said, maybe with a little too much excitement, as you ran up and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

Shoto frowned.  As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he wasn't used to seeing you this... happy. Only a few hours earlier you'd told him to fuck off, but now here you were, hanging on him? 

"You're in a better mood than earlier."

"Because this is going to be so much fun, Shoto!" your voice loud, despite how physically close the two of you were. 

"Oh... okay."

"And you're so cute." 

Shoto tried to step back, putting you at arms length, but you didn't let go of him. "Are you feeling all right?" 

"I feel great!" 

Before either of you could say anything else, the door connecting the two dressing rooms flung open, the wood door hitting the wall with a thunk before slamming shut.

"What's up, bitches?" 

Your heads snapped up at the sound, Dabi's smiling face sauntering toward you both. 

Shoto immediately moved to put his body in front of yours, but Dabi simply sat down in one of the dressing room chairs, pouring himself some of the champagne.

"No, no, continue," Dabi said. "Don't let me stop you."

"What are you doing?" Shoto glared. 

"I've come to collect my girl.  Nice party you have going on out there." 

You pushed around Shoto, daring to stare straight at Dabi. "You're not collecting anyone."

"Y/n," Shoto said, "go get the police."

"Not going to happen," Dabi said as he leaned forward, grabbing your hand and pulling you into his lap before you could stop him. 

Dabi stared defiantly back at Shoto as his hands began rubbing on your thighs through your dress. ""As pretty as she is tonight, I guess I can let her stay and enjoy the party. But you need to do something for me."

Shoto crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes never leaving the two of you. "What is that?"

"Go out and tell them that your engagement to my girl is off. Now."

"I'm not doing that. That would be social suicide," Shoto insisted. "Everyone is here. They're here because we're getting married."

"You still on that?" Dabi asked, his hands moving to your shoulder, pulling your hair to the side. Slowly, he leaned down and nipped at your neck while his fingers searched for the outline of his brand under the fabric of your dress. "I marked her; I get to keep her."

"Like hell you do."

"Maybe she needs a new mark then?" Dabi's fingers began to trace lines on your chest. 

"You're bluffing," Shoto said. "You won't."

"Oh really?"

"Shoto!" you shouted. 

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