Chapter 26

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A/N: To avoid confusion I will be putting the speech of the clones in bold. (: 

After a few hours of talking with Hobi and Jungkook being passed out on me. Chul came to the room with a bed, finally something comfy to sleep on. Myself and Hobi carefully lifted Jungkook onto the bed so he could rest properly but he basically refused to let me go. Guess I'm being his pillow.

Out of nowhere we heard a very loud alarm and a scream no far from the room. Jungkook shot awake and blushed when he realised how close to me he was. "What's going on?" He asked. "I have no idea I-". I stopped as I heard another scream and gunshots. I felt myself shake and the boys held me and rubbed my back and arms to soothe me. I hate the sound of gunshots now. I heard another bang and hid my face in Jungkooks chest. "Shhhh Ri it's alright we're here". I heard Hoseoks soothing voice and immediately felt relaxed. Suddenly the door opened. "Ri, you need to come with us, Chul wants to speak to you". A man said and I felt Kookies grip tighten on me. "She isn't going anywhere without us". He growled at the man. "She won't be hurt, she needs to see something". I looked at the man then at the boys and nodded. "I'll be okay" I kissed both of their cheeks and got up. I walked slowly to the door and looked back at the boys. Both of their faces showed so much anger and fear but I gave my most convincing smile as I left the room. 

I was hurried down a hallway with several rooms that looked similar to mine until we reached a room with large doors.  I was practically pushed into the room where a few men stood. One was Chul and I immediately recognised the rest. "Namjoon...Jin....Yoongi!". I perked up until I realised their eye colour, I gulped slightly as I saw all three of them smirk at me. "What's wrong Ri? You look pale." Yoongi said and I shook my head. "I know you aren't really them, What do you want Chul?". "I just wanted you to meet the family, you know since they will be taking over things". "Where is Taehyung?". I heard Jin scoff. "He's at the dorms, he is apparently so annoying all he talks about is you, Chul how much longer do we have to do this plan because the others are getting sick of it". "Relax, things are coming along nicely". I saw him turn to me and he smirked. "What was all that commotion earlier?". I asked. "Oh that? One of the others weren't cooperating so we had to deal with them". I sighed. "So what do you want with me?". He laughed slightly. "We want you to meet someone special...come on out". I looked around and I froze. 

Out of the corner of the room stepped forward a woman....someone who was familiar to me, someone I thought was family. "A-auntie?". "Hello Ri". She walked over to Chul and practically sucked his face off. "It's about time you introduced each other properly isn't it". He smirked at me as I felt tears forming in my eyes. "Oh of course, I was never your aunt. Chul knew who you were all along. I've been having a relationship with him for years, even before you came along. We just needed you to follow the plan and oh you did to a T. I knew everything you were doing, I just had to pretend to be the dumb caring aunt and you fell for it." She laughed. "You sick...bitch" I said quietly and clenched my teeth. "I will fucking kill you". I ran at her and was stopped in my tracks when Yoongi grabbed me by the neck and began to choke me. "Easy now number 3, you can put her down". He didn't hesitate at Chul orders and released his grip, I fell to the floor and struggled to breathe. 

Chul walked over to me and grabbed my chin harshly to make me look at him. "Look at you, you're just like your father...pathetic. But sadly I have to keep you alive...I don't have to keep the others-" He was cut off when I swooped my leg under him and pinned him to the floor with my hands around his neck. "I will fucking kill you right here right now if you hurt any of them, I will snap your neck". I felt a sharp pain in my back as Jin had grabbed me harshly and practically threw me against the wall. He helped Chul to his feet as he laughed. "Not with those three you aren't, You aren't as powerful as they are". I struggled to get up and winced as my back was in terrible pain. "Jimin is already in the room now, But since you've been bad I should separate you from them". I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "N-no please! I'm sorry I'll listen I'll do whatever I'm asked.". "Really?, Even if I asked you to kill one of them you'd do it?". I felt my heart sink and goosebumps as he stared at me smiling. "Exactly like I said before, pathetic. Fine go back to them, Now get out of my sight". I practically ran out of there even though my back was killing me.

Jungkooks POV

I kept pacing around the room, I was so restless since Ri had left. "Kookie you need to rest". "I can't Hyung, now while she's who knows where getting who knows what done to her". Hoseok stood up and put his hands on my shoulders. "This is Ri we're talking about, one of the strongest people we know, she's going to be just fine". I sighed and nodded in defeat, although I still had a worry in the back of my mind. 

Suddenly the door opened and Jimin slowly walked in, He looked exhausted but didn't look like he had any injuries to him which I was so glad about. "Hyung!" I rushed to him and pulled him in for a hug. "Jungkook...what...why are you here...wait...Hobi?! What the hell is going on". We sat him down and explained the whole situation. He rubbed his head and breathed out heavily. "Man this is just so confusing why would Chul do all of this?". "We have no idea" Hoseok stated. 

The door once again opened and I looked up and saw Ri slumped against the door. "Ri what-" I saw her about to collapse and I Immediately rushed over and caught her just as she was about to fall. "What the fuck did they do to you? I will kill him". She shook her head. "N-no, It was...them, they're too strong". She breathed heavily, I scooped her up and carried her to the bed, I laid her down gently and her head was placed on Jimin's lap. She winced and turned slightly....What the fuck did they do to her. "Ri...your back what the fuck!". Jimin gently lifted her shirt and saw a massive red mark on her back. How can someone hurt someone as precious as her, It pains me to see her like this. 

Hoseok lifted her head to make her look at him and he rubbed her cheek. "What happened in there?". He asked and she breathed heavily. "The hyungs...the clones of the hyungs attacked me. The one that was Yoongi choked me and then the one who was Jin threw me against the wall when I managed to strangle Chul". I started to stroke her hair, I felt so much anger but I just wanted to comfort her. "So they have clones of all of us, seems like the Hyungs are the stronger ones". Hoseok sighed. "Did Namjoon do anything?". She shook her head in response. "Well...even though he's a clone I guess there was some sort of brotherly bond with you since he didn't touch you". I stated and she sat up and looked at me confused. "What did you say?" Her voice was shaky. "Namjoon....he's your brother...wait did you now know?". Her mouth shot open and shook her head. "WHAT...HOW I....WHAT". She stood up and put her hand on her mouth. "When did he tell you...what". I stood up and walked over to her. "Taehyung thought you were having a thing with him, so he confronted him and Namjoon blurted out that you were his sister...apparently your father had an affair with his mother so you're half siblings.". She started to laugh uncontrollably. "I....I have a brother!....Namjoon is my brother oh my god this is crazy". She sat on the bed. "How did he find out?" She asked. "He apparently found out from your aunt". Hoseok stated and I saw her smile drop into what looked like fear. 

"What's wrong Ri?" Jimin asked and she lay down on the bed. "That isn't my aunt...she's been having an affair with Chul for years...she knows everything". All of our eyes widen and I place her head on my lap. "I'm so sorry Ri" I started to stroke her hair, I heard her begin to cry, she sat up and I pulled her in and gently hugged her, I let her cry on my shoulder. I saw the other two smiling at me slyly and I raised a brow at them both. Ri went quiet and I realised she had cried herself to sleep on me, I positioned myself better so she was laying on me with her head buried in my neck, I noticed the other two still smiling at me. "Why are you two smiling like that?" I whispered. "You two just look really cute together, you really like her don't you?" Jimin stated and I felt myself go a bit red and shushed them both. 

They were right, I had mad feelings for Ri and I don't think I can stop them. 

The Red Fox - KTH&JJKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें