Chapter 16

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We arrived at the scene and all hopped out of the car. Police were everywhere trying to ward off news reporters. One of the officers on the scene was originally hired by our boss, so we could easily get any information from the police about the red fox. Since a lot of it was confidential due to the high risk of being involved in crimes such as the mafia, kidnappings and drug deals. 

We took him to the side to get information from him. "So what happened here?" I asked. "Well as far as we know...she was strangled, But there's something really strange about her she had this tag on her wrist that read her name and age. But that's not all...she had red eyes". All of us looked at each other in confusion. "Red eyes? What are you talking about?". Chanhee asked. The officer showed us a photo and it was true, this woman had blood-red eyes but according to her file she had green how was this possible?. "Contacts maybe?". Namjoon asked and the officer shook his head. "We thought that too, they tried to take them out of her eyes...but there was nothing there to take, they were her eyes.". I studied the photo for a few seconds. "Wait a minute...can I get a closer look at that photo?". He nodded and handed it to me, I leaned my face in and looked at it from different angles. "Guys...look at this". They all gathered around and studied what I was pointing at. 

The back of her neck had a little red mark, almost like a tail. "Get someone to move her hair and look at her neck". The officer nodded and ran into the scene, told one of the crime scene investigators and they removed her hair away from her neck and we all gasped. The symbol of the red fox was placed on her neck, but it wasn't painted or tattooed looked like it had been burned into her skin almost like branding her. "I think this is bigger than we thought and if we don't find out what's going on soon...the rest will end up the same way". I stated and we all looked at each other slightly panicked. 

We managed to get copies of the crime scene photos and took them back to my house. We studied them for what felt like hours but couldn't find anything else. "So this girl goes missing...then another 4 go missing, all of a sudden this one ends up dead with red eyes and their symbol burned into her skin...but why? Why go to all the effort to poison her, kidnap her, burn that onto her then just kill her?". "Maybe they want us to know it's them doing it and this is kind of a threat to us?". Hoon stated. "But it's obvious already isn't it? They've left signs everywhere". They nodded and I sighed. All of a sudden there was a knock at my bedroom door. "Honey there's someone here for you". My eyes widen and I look at the others. "Hide the photos now!.... Okay, I'll be right down". I call out to my aunt as the boys quickly hide everything as I rush downstairs.

I head to the door and see Taehyung. "Tae? Hey what are you doing here?". "Hey, Ri I wanted to come to check on you". I smile and let him in. "I'm doing okay, my arm still hurts but other than that I'm okay". He turned to look at me. "Is there something going on? What was that earlier where you practically ran out of your office like your life depended on it...and why were you with Namjoon?". I froze for a moment...shit what do I say?. "Oh, that! Namjoon actually knows my aunt....she was his fathers' nurse when he went to the hospital recently and they got along well. He rushed to tell me that she was sick so I needed to rush back here to look after her". He nodded. I couldn't even tell if he was convinced or not. "Hey Ri we need to get back to-". Namjoon came down the stairs and froze when he saw Taehyung. "Oh hey Taehyung" "Hey..Namjoon". Taehyungs facial expression changed to concern. "What are you doing here?" He asked him and I looked at him and mouth 'aunt', Luckily Taehyung didn't see. "Helping to look after Ri's aunt, she hasn't been feeling well so she contacted me to contact Ri". I guess Tae was testing to see if I was telling the truth. He looked back at me and smiled...phew. "Sorry I intruded, I'll be upstairs...with your aunt, don't be long she's asking for you". Namjoon gave me a stern look as I nodded then he headed upstairs. 

I spent time with Taehyung for a while and secretly texted the boys to let them know why I was taking so long. "Oh my parents want to meet you around lunchtime, is that okay?". He asked and I smiled. "Sounds great! I didn't want to really bring this up but do I have to act a certain way around them? You know because of your father..." I trailed off as he shook his head. "Although he's a cold person he has said he will try to be welcoming, Plus my mother will love you just as you are so just be yourself.". I smiled and nodded. Part of me did feel nervous, This was my first relationship after all and since hearing how cold his dad can be, I really wanted to make a good first impression. "Well I better head back, I'll come pick you up in the morning." I nodded and walked him to the door. "Look after yourself Ri okay?". He lifted up my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips, I kissed him back and he kissed my head. "I will, see you tomorrow Tae". 

I waved him goodbye as he drove off and shut the door. When I turned around I saw Chanhee stood there. "OH MY GOD". I jumped and breathed heavily holding my chest. "How long have you been there?". "Long enough, come on we've got work to do". I rolled my eyes as I could practically hear the jealousy in his voice. I need to be more careful around Taehyung, especially since it seems he's suspicious of Namjoon, I shook my head to forget about it and headed back upstairs to work. 

I've got bigger things to worry about now. 

The Red Fox - KTH&JJKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora