Chapter 3: Moving In

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The inside was much bigger than it looked! To my right there was a big open white kitchen with an island. To my left was where the living room was going to be and behind the stairs was a dining room and a guest bedroom. Up stairs I took the first room to the left.

The room was bigger than my old one! It had a window to where I could see into my neighbors house and another window on the corner.

"So this ones yours" Andy asked while leaning on the doorframe.

"Seems to be" I smiled and did a little twirl. While twirling I saw a boy by his window, he was tall and blond.

"Okay let's get your junk in here" Andy giggled and we walked out to the car.

I grabbed as many of my bags as I could and so did my sister. We both ran in and laid them down in my floor.

After about an hour of laying around and putting clothes in my closet, while listening to Spotify of course, the moving company came with some of our old furniture considering we couldn't fly all of it out.

It was around 8pm and we all were exhausted.

I was excited to go shopping tomorrow to get more things for the house.

"Hey hey hey" my mom strolled in looking at my room. As of right now it had my suitcase and bags everywhere and some leftover hangers on the ground. "Looking good" she lied, it was a hot mess.

"Thanks" we both started laughing.

"So anyway" my mom clapped her hands from excitement, I haven't seen her so excited in a while. "The neighbors have invited us to dinner so wear something cute" she winked.

"What's that about" I questioned standing up from the floor.

"They" she paused dropping her voice "they have a son!"

"MOM" I screamed. Sometimes I could not believe her.

"And he's around your age" she started laughing and pulled out her phone "here I have her on Facebook!"

Of course she already had her on there I wouldn't be surprised if she already got the entire neighborhood "and I thought I was snoopy" we laughed. "So that house" I pointed over my shoulder and to the window to which I received a nod.

She flipped her phone and showed me a family picture. The mom had blond hair and the dad had blackish brown hair. There was a boy in the middle he looked familiar but I couldn't pick from where and beside him there were 2 dogs. "Aww" I pointed to them sitting down.

"I know right" she giggled and pointed to one of the dogs "that's Betty and that's Walter" she paused "now get something on" she laughed and closed my door.

I got down on the floor and ripped through my clothes. I finally decided on a pair of black ripped jeans and a tee shirt. I changed quickly, straightened my hair, and added some mascara.

I walked downstairs to see Andy knocked out cold on the floor. "Wake up" I shook her lightly.

"What do you want" she groaned standing up.

"We're going to the neighbors for dinner hurry" I pushed her towards the bathroom and stood at the door with my mom while my dad was in the bathroom.

"Ooo you did your hair" she giggled "you never do your hair!!"

"I just wanted something different" I lied, I just wanted to make a somewhat good impression.

"Okay sureee" my mom continued to laugh.

Dad and Andy came back at the same time "alright let's go" mom smiled and opened the door.

We made our way out the door and to the sidewalk. We then walked around their fence and to their door.

"Okay everyone ready" mom asked us.

"Yep" everyone said and waited for her to knock.

A/n Thank you for reading! Also this chapter is probably going to be shorter than the rest!

Word count: 667

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