Chapter 1: One Last Day

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"Come on" one of my best friends Emily practically yelled at me.

About a week ago I was informed that me and my parents would be moving to the UK due to my dads work. My parents felt bad that I would have to leave my entire life behind and decided I could have one last night with my friends before I would have to leave.

I walked past her and instantly went to her bedroom based off of memory. We had been inseparable since 3rd grade and I would be turning 17 in June. I threw my bag on her bed and lied back looking at her ceiling.

"I'm gonna miss this place" I looked up at her. She was standing in the doorway with a sad smile.

"I'm gonna miss you y/n" she ran up to me and enfolded me into a bear hug. "Well no more sad let's go" she grabbed my hand and brought me to the living room. There we were, the BFFL group. The group in total was 5 people, Emily, Alex, Grace, me and my worst enemy Sadie. No one knew that we didn't like each other but we secretly hated each other.

We piled on the couch like we'd all been standing for days. "What should we watch" Grace asked and looked to me.

"Uhm" I paused to think "how about you pick Emily your house your tv you pick" I smiled

"Okay fine" she thought for a second and her face lit up. "Okay y'all said I could pick and no complaining" she whipped out her phone and then broadcasted it onto the tv.

It took a second to load and then when it did ours eyes were feasted on a kid with pretty blond hair and blue eyes.

"Now some people find me annoying" he started and the first thing I noticed was his heavy accent. We all sat back and watched.

"HES SO CUTEEE" Emily screamed.

Sadie looked from the screen to Emily to the screen and back to Emily "where" she giggled knowing she had just started a war with a person who could fight anyone to the death.

"Um what did you just say" she whipped her head and we watched ready for the war to unfold.

"You heard me" Sadie said getting into a serious tone.

"Uhm I will ask you to leave this is Tommyinnit we're talking about " Emily joked and we continued watching.

After about an hour into a Harry Potter movie that Sadie insisted on watched I started to fall asleep on Alex's shoulder. I knew that falling asleep would result in something bad but I was tired of Sadie screaming how much she loved each of the characters.

"Wait is y/n asleep" Alex whispered.

I was about to pop up when I heard someone say "let's prank her" and a roar of laughter.

I decided to stay still to see if I could scare anyone.

"Okay I'm grabbing whip cream someone get a feather" Grace giggled and the souls of feet scattering aground the house emerged. Alex stayed where she was to not "wake" me.

"Okay y'all ready" Alex asked with her country accent and all the feet stopped moving.

Someone slowly grabbed my arm from my side and I heard a whip cream container open. It took everything in me not to smile or scream but I didn't know how late it was and if Emily's parents were home. So I waited.

Someone started squirting some whip cream in to my hand and a lot of it. They slowly laid my hand on the couch facing up so it wouldn't get on the couch.

"Okay feather" Grace demanded as she giggled historically. I felt the feather slowly glide along my face from my hairline to my chin going up and down several times.

As fast as possible I got up skimming my hand along everyone's faces starting with Sadie. "AHH" they started screaming and scattered like cockroaches.

"And that's what you get for messing with the Queen" I walked like a model and when I got to the end of the room I flipped my hair with the hand that had nothing on it. I turned around to see all their jaws on the floor.

We all giggled and I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I washed my hand under the warm water and got off all the extra whip cream.

I looked at myself in the mirror smiled and walked out waiting for everyone else to clean up.

Everyone soon fell asleep and I found myself being the only one awake... with Sadie. Uhg

About a month ago her boyfriend or as she called him 'the love of my life' broke up with her to ask me out. I didn't want anything to do with him and I felt bad for Sadie and rejected him. She then blamed the whole thing on me and never liked me ever since. That was 3 months ago and she would do things to make my life a little harder.

She was staring me down "take a picture" I whispered not to wake the other girls "it'll last longer" I never said that I wasn't mean back to her though.

"Shut up" she whined "I don't want a rat on my camera role!"

"Apparently you haven't seen a mirror in awhile" I mumbled before tossing over and falling asleep.

A/n so this is my first time writing I'm not professional so tell me if you see a mistake and I would gladly fix. Thank you for reading!!

Word count: 942

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