Chapter 2 | The Bad Boy Doesn't Like Being Called "Chicken"

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Here's chapter 2!!

Enjoy!! :D

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"Lyin' here with you so close to me. It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe..."
~Just A Kiss, Lady Antebellum

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Emma's P.O.V.

I heard the door open further with a bunch of low voice murmurs following after the loud creak. "She is, isn't she?"

The door closed behind them. "Dude, she's in a coma," one of the male voices said.

I mentally rolled my eyes. "No, dude," I wanted to remark. "I'm taking a freaking nap in a hospital bed- of course I'm in a coma!" But in my state, I couldn't reply back. This coma is holding me back.

"Awwww, well, if it isn't Sleeping Ugly!" A high pitched female voice, nasally commented.

I gritted my teeth together. "Oh, yeah? Well, come here and I'll show you who's an ugly princess."

"You know what, Alexa? You just gave me an idea," a deep voice said. My eyes widened —mentally, or course. Alexa? As in, Alexa Deans, the queen bitc- I mean bully- at Grangewood High School? Oh, sugar nuts! That's bad!

I'm sure all of you are wondering who Alexa Deans is? Well, for one, she is and calls herself the "queen" of beauty. If you try calling her out on it, she'll make sure you life is a living hell; 2) All the guys want to be with her; 3) All the girls want to be her - but not including me - of course; 4) My step-sisters practically worship the ground she walks on, while I, on the other hand, try to avoid her at any cost because let's just say that number one didn't really go well for me.

"Let's make a dare!" someone shouted. 'Okay, person. Please, calm down. Don't do anything stupid. Please don't-' "I dare someone to kiss her!"

If I wasn't immobile, I'd punch that person who just shouted out the most stupidest thing in the world. He just signed his own death wish. Whoever you are you better watch your back because I'm coming for you... Number One on my hit list.

"Anyone up for the bet?" the guy offered, right as I heard the door to the room squeaked open.

"What are you guys doing in here?" A delicious male voice questioned.

'Whoa! Delicious? Seriously, Emma? Way to go! Now you sound like a creeper.'

"Why! If it isn't Lloyd Anderson? Just in time..." the stupid guy welcomed. The sound of footsteps walking in the room echoed off the walls. I could feel my body tense under the pressure of hearing the name.

Lloyd Anderson was the Bad Boy at Grangewood High School. To say I've known that name since the beginning of high school would be an understatement. I've known that name since Kindergarten. And although I've been in all of his classes since then, I barely know anything about him. Except for his Bad Boy vibe and his arrogant, multi-personal ego.

"You guys aren't supposed to be in here. Didn't you see the sign on the door that said 'No Students Allowed'?"

"Geez, Anderson. I never thought of you as the type of person to care for reading signs."

I mentally flinched when I heard a punch that was thrown, contacting what most likely was the guys' face - do to the fact of the loud groan sounding through the air. "Don't you dare question my actions, Kyle! Or, you'll regret it," Lloyd threatened.

The guy, Kyle, chuckled. "Huh, chicken thinking I'll ruin your Bad Boy reputation?"

"No, Kyle. I'm trying to save your sorry little ass from getting expelled from school." Just with that said caused some snickers to go around the room. Suddenly, Lloyd's voice boomed throughout the air, echoing off the probably, blank white walls. "Everyone, out of the room. Now!"

There were some scoffs of disagreement; but, the crowd - I guess - listened. Footsteps were heard exiting out of the room until complete silence followed afterwards. If I didn't hear a person's heavy breathing, I might as well of thought everyone had left; but, that wasn't the case.

"Lloyd, come on, just leave Kyle alone," Alexa pleaded.

"Leave, Alexa."

There was a quiet huff before clicking of heels resounded in the room. The door locking in place signaling she had left.

Peaceful silence stilled the air before a deadly voice broke it. "If you ever think it's alright to go around into coma patients room's and play tricks on them, you might as well find your fucking, stupid brain in the principal's office. Are we clear?!"

There was the sound of a snort drifting through the air. Then, another punch was thrown. "Are we clear, Kyle?" Lloyd repeated in a deafening tone.

"I'll be clear if you follow this one dare," Kyle bargained.

Lloyd sighed, clearly irritated. "What dare would that be?"

"That if you kiss her, then I'll never go around in patients room's again and disturb them."

"Now, why would I follow such a stupid dare?" Lloyd asked in apparent annoyance to Kyle's stupidity.

"Would you like me going around spreading rumors about what happened a few years ago?"

Complete silence followed afterwards. What happened two years ago, besides my coma?

"No," was Lloyd's simple reply. Footsteps were heard, walking towards the door.

"No what? No, you won't kiss her; or, no, you wouldn't like me spreading rumors about you?"

"Both. It's stupid and childish; so, Kyle, I advise you to get your head out of your ass and use some common sense for once."

"Why? Are you too chicken to do it?" Kyle started making chicken sounds, emphasizing his point.

"Stop it, Kyle," Lloyd growled.

"Or what? You've already beaten the crap out of me. I don't need an education. My family's filthy rich. I could easily get a job at my family's business." A short pause followed, afterwards.

"No, Kyle."

Kyle laughed. "I knew it! You hide behind a big, tuff demeanor on the outside; but on the inside, your just as chicken as a nerd!"

The sound of something crashing into the wall echoed around the room. "Fine! I'll do it! You and your stubborn ass!" Loud stomps crossed the room, later stopping right beside my bed. "Is this what you want?" Just then, I felt soft luscious lips come down on mine. But, it ended as quick as it came.

I laid speechless. Lloyd Anderson. The Bad Boy actually kissed me. Well, more like pecked me.

Most girls in my school would be dying inside. But I, on the other hand, was dying to claw his face out. That was my first kiss he had stolen. He wasn't going to go unnoticed by me.

From this day forward, I, Emma Winters, will forever hate Lloyd Anderson with every single fiber in my bone and with every beat of my heart.

The next few minutes go by like a blur. All of a sudden, my eyes were able to snap open. As if on instinct, my hand automatically came flying up, contacting Lloyd Anderson's face.

I grinned inwardly to the sound of vengeance ringing through the air.


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Ohh!!! What just happened?!!😜

Vengeance has been received!! So, how's the chapter?

Thanks for reading!

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Have a good day! Bye!

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