hang on, where tf is nagisa??

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"what?? what do you mean "he's gone"??"

"i mean exactly what i said, all might." aizawa sighs heavily. nagisa is no longer at the hospital, they have no idea where he could've gone. they've lost him."

"damn it." all might grunts, clenching his jaw in stress. this was risky, a highly dangerous person out on the streets, who knows what could happen. he could seriously hurt people. had it not been for todoroki bursting in at the last moment, izuku would've been toast. he makes a risky decision and decides to inform the students during their assembly.

"ahem... everyone! listen up because this is important. we have just had news that nagisa has escaped the hospital, and is now nowhere to be found."

the students all gasp, whispering frantically in each other's ears.

"right now he is a danger to not only himself, but anyone around him so i do ask that for now, you all remain in the building and do not exit the school gates until further instruction."

by now the crowd had erupted into a fit of frustrated whispers and ongoing questions.

"wait, what if i wanna see my family!? how will i know they will be ok?!"

"aren't the police gonna search for him??"

"what's gone wrong with him??"

"wait, nagisa's a boy?"

"all right, all right everyone. quiet down now... QUIET!" all might shouts, finally achieving silence.

"at the moment i have no further information to give you. yes, the police and hospital staff are searching for him. there will be news reports and articles published with his face in it so civilians will know to be aware that he is a highly dangerous and unstable person. but, let's be honest. on their own the police are useless. so, tomorrow you will all be split and assigned into groups to go out searching for nagisa. if necessary, you must use your quirks to protect yourselves. once you find him you must restrain him and wait for police to arrive to escort him back to the hospital. does everyone understand?"

"yes!" they all answer.

"good. then i'll see you all 8:00am sharp to put you into your groups. goodbye now."

all might turns away from his students and stomps out the hall, beginning to feel a headache coming on.

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