The Aftermath

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it's been a couple weeks since the battle between the two groups, and tension is high.

In the lunchroom everyone is scowling at each other, glaring at their mortal enemies whilst taking vicious bites of their food.

All Might chuckles, burying his face in his hands with second hand embarrassment.

"Look at these kids, haha. They're so intense. So serious. This battle happened ages ago and they still can't forgive each other? We may want to refrain from battling them for a while if this is always going to be the output. I mean, you can cut the tension here with a double edged Viking sword!"

"Yeah." Is all Aizawa can reply with, lightly blowing air out of his nose to signify he found All Mights comments amusing. It was a rarity to catch Aizawa showing any emotion, which is why All Might was so flattered he'd actually liked his jokes.

"Oi, is that a smile i can see?"
"Don't let it get to your head."
"Uh huh... Sure." All Might grins even wider
"I'm just in a good mood, that's all."

"How have you been recovering, Deku?" Uraraka asks with pure curiosity in her eyes
"Not bad, to be honest. i think i've recovered quite quickly. Nagisa on the other hand, doesnt seem to be the same."
they both look over to the table where nagisa, karma and the majority of the other Assassination Classroom characters are sitting. Nagisa's arm is still badly broken, making him struggle to feed himself properly as it's his right arm and he's right handed. He drops his spoon on the floor and it makes a loud clang as it hits the ground. Everyone goes silent for a moment before getting back to their conversations. Nagisa grimaces as he struggles to bend down and pick up his cutlery. Karma whispers something in his ear and Nagisa turns to look at Midoriya. The look on his face is horrifying. It genuinely makes Izuku jump and he quickly turns away to get back to his food.
"Don't worry about him." Todoroki reassures
"Yeah, we'll protect you!" Iida shouts a little too loudly.
Izuku chuckles, happy he at least has SOME people he can count on.
"I don't know... He's given me a pretty weird vibe ever since he came here." Uraraka says, "should we tell All Might about him?"
"No, it's fine. it's probably nothing. he's probably still just messed up about the fight and perhaps butthurt that i recovered faster than him. i'll leave him to get over it." izuku brushes Uraraka's concerns off.
"Are you sure?" Iida asks, "i mean, it's not healthy to keep intense grudges like that. and you do share a room with the guy. how can you be sure he won't try anything?"
"well, i've been roommates with him for a good while now and he hasn't done anything, so i trust we'll be fine."
"Hm, ok. just, don't hesitate to let us know if he's getting too intense and is starting to freak you out. That kid creeps me out. i mean, when i first saw him i mistook him for a girl, and when i used female pronouns he gave me the dirtiest look i have ever seen. If only you could've seen it. it shook me to my core. he's bad news, Izuku. Trust me on this."

"Nah, come on guys. you're getting paranoid. he's fine, really! we made up and everything! in the infirmary. he said there's no bad blood between us. He's just a little different that's all!"
Izuku quickly looks down at his food to avoid the unconvinced looks from his peers, just wanting this day to end already as he was starting to feel uneasy, no longer wanting to eat.

Aizawa signifies that it's the end of lunch. and izuku couldn't be more relieved.

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