the virus

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it's been a few weeks since the incident with nagisa happened and nobody has seen him since. believe me, people have definitely asked around. but none of the U.A or Assassination classroom teachers want to reveal where he's been taken. all the students could do is hope for the best that nagisa is safe and getting the help he needs.

things were going well for a while. everyone was resuming their training and education with little disturbance. kacchan was being the usual ass he usually was, and karma was often up to no good. however, things were... normal. for the mean time. and izuku liked it. it was nice to not be constantly on edge of getting your head smashed open for once.

he sat down at the table with his lunch with asui, kaminari and kayano, who they had gotten to know more recently and found she was one of the less... intense assassination classroom characters.

"so, how are you guys finding the teaching here at UA? a little different to back home, huh?"

"oh yeah, definitely," kayano replied with a mouth full of food, "i like it tho, it's interesting to be taught different things. it's boring to do the same things all the time. that's what my sister used to say."

"oh really? what's your sisters name?" kaminari asked

but before she could reply karma suddenly fainted onto the floor. everyone in the room gasped.

then itona started vomiting, isogai started choking, turning purple within seconds. and suddenly one after another all the assassination classroom students AND teachers were coming down with several different symptoms of obvious illness, from extreme nausea to migraines and constantly sneezing. it was the weirdest thing izuku had witnessed, in a while anyway. but he couldn't help to think back to nagisa. could this be something to do with him? had he caused this? or were they just suffering from the same thing as him? what is this? an illness? disease? virus?? he couldn't have time to think, immediately izuku ordered everyone to put a mask on and alert as many nurses as possible or carry any sick students to the infirmary.

"go go go! there's no time to waste!"

the room completely stunk. everyone was retching and could barely walk. it was truly a saddening sight to say the least. especially since it didn't make sense. everything had been going so well lately, and then this came out of nowhere! it didn't make sense...

as soon as everybody was in the infirmary, some students volunteered to clean up the lunch room as it was in an absolute state.

it was so pungent that as soon as you walked in there, it was like your nose was viciously punched with the stench of death and decay, making you want to puke your guts out too.

reluctantly, they got to work. and slowly the lunch room was starting to get back to its old state.

the infirmary, however. was a different story. sick students everywhere! and there was simple not enough room for them all in this tiny infirmary.

"All might, we cannot keep them here! this is beyond my expertise. they need to go to a hospital."

"i agree. i'm going to call them now."

in record time about 3 ambulances race up to UA high and escorts all the students to the hospital, the UA students following not far behind. once they all get there, it's truly a horrifying sight to see.

everyone is looking gaunt, malnourished and skeleton like, their faces colours that shouldn't even exist. they're all hooked up to IV's whilst taken individually to private rooms where nurses can scan and test them for diseases.

an outbreak had happened, and nobody knew where it had came from. as far as they were aware, the food was good, they hadn't gone anywhere outside the school grounds, and had regular bedroom checkups to make sure they were clean.

nobody could've ever been prepared for this. one by one each student was taken out of one room and and dragged into another, some of them unconscious and needing defibrillators, others needing sedation, it was truly terrifying.

after hours of chaos and panic, eventually things started to calm down. the students were resting and thankfully all still alive.

"all might," the doctor says
"i'm afraid it's not looking good. they're stable, for now. but we have absolutely no idea what they're suffering from, and how long it'll last. all we can do right now is keep them well medicated and continue testing them to see if anything eventually comes up. i'm so sorry."

all might sighs and thanks the doctor, his head in his hands.

"never a dull moment in this school, eh?" kirishima chuckles, trying to lighten the mood, to which he is only met with deadpan stares and deafening silence.

kirishima realised this was the wrong time to be cracking jokes and quickly looked to the ground to avoid everyones distasteful looks.

"d-do you think this has something to do with nagisa?" izuku asks

"i don't know," says all might. "it could do. he seemed very ill before he was taken away, showing similar physical symptoms to these patients. however his behaviour was immensely different. that's why he was taken away, he was a danger. however, these lot aren't. so if i'm honest, i'm not seeing an obvious enough link between the two. they most likely would've got infected by some sort of virus or something. i'm sure they'll get better."

izuku nods and takes a sigh of relief at the thought that his friends hopefully will be ok. he thinks back to nagisa's eyes. how disturbing they were. it makes him shudder to this day. he still couldn't put a finger on who they reminded him of, or why they seemed so familiar...

'My Assassination Academia' BNHA X AC CROSSOVERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon