who does he think he is??

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*kenji stretches in bed*


*kenji ties his hair back*


*kenji trains with the other boys*

*the girls all faint*

there was literally no escaping this guy. he was everywhere. and everywhere he went a big mob of paparazzi like girls would follow him around. 

"wow, kenji! you're so strong!" toga squeals, fondling his muscles.

"that's it, i've had just about enough of this show off! i mean, who does he think he is??!" kacchan barks

he stomps up to kenji, tapping him on the shoulder.

"hey, hot shot! listen up. you don't belong here, and you're distracting everyone from focussing on their training. so why don't you do us all a favour, and piss off!"

kenji stands in silence for a moment, his back still facing kacchan. he chuckles and then sighs, as if he's exhausted by that tiny confrontation alone. he then turns towards kacchan with a devilish look in his deep green eyes.

"hey, asshole. what if i don't leave? what are YOU gonna do?"

kacchan snarls, beginning to get extremely angry at the cockiness of izuku's brother. this was a new thing to kacchan. he had gotten away with years of torment towards izuku, it was a knife to his ego that a member of the midoriya family was actually standing up to him. so, as usual, kacchan tries to assert his male dominance by striking at kenji.

kenji dodges and quickly transforms into a tiger, sinking his teeth into kacchan's arm.

everyone gasps in shock.

"AAAAAAAH" he howls in pain, quickly pulling his arm back and stumbling to the infirmary.

"hah. pathetic." kenji mutters, turning back into a human.

"woah, what was that??!"
"how did u do that?"
"SO YOURE NOT QUIRKLESS AFTER ALL?!!" the students all shout over each other once again.

"no i'm not quirkless. i don't know where that thought came from. just because izuku is doesn't mean i am. for a basic explanation my quirk is that i can turn into different species of cat depending on the situation. so for example if i'm in danger and need to fight i could turn into a lion, if i need to escape i could turn into a cheetah, and if i'm relaxed i'm just your ordinary house cat."

"woooooaaaahhhh" the students all say with sparkles in their eyes. thinking about it, kenji wasn't sure why they were so shocked by his quirk, as they all had their own. and in his own opinion he didn't think it was anything that special. but hey, he enjoyed them kissing his ass nevertheless.


izuku puts his headphones on, trying to ignore the constant excited screaming and laughter oozing from his windows. soon after he hears a knock on the door. it's kenji. again.

"hey brother. are you free to talk?"

"hm." izuku nods, taking his headphones off whilst sighing in annoyance.

kenji sits down on izuku's bed, giving him a sympathetic look.

"what's that look about?" izuku asks

"what look?"

"that look you're giving me right now like you're feeling sorry for me or something."

"well, i kinda do. i mean, i can't help but feel like you're treated like a bit of an outsider. and i've seen how that spikey blonde dickhead treats you. it's not ok. and i just wanted to let you know that if you ever need an escape from it all, you can come and talk to me anytime, ok? i am your brother after all."

"i don't need your sympathy. and you're not my brother."

kenji sighs and looks down at his feet.

"come on, izuku. i know this must be all hard to take in. and i know i haven't been there for you in the past, but id really like to make it up to you."

"ok, so explain this: why haven't i ever heard about you until now? where have you been all this time? and if you knew about me, why didn't you ever try to contact me before?"

kenji takes a long breath and smiles lightly before beginning.

"ok, so... in the past, i wasn't a very good person. i was a trouble maker and overly just a very spiteful and difficult kid. all kids are like that to an extent, i guess. but i was obviously more severe. it got to the point where she inevitably had to kick me out of the house. i was 15. and you were very young, about 3 at the time, so i wouldn't expect you to remember me."

"but why, why would she do that?" izuku couldn't seem to wrap his head around the fact that his mother, his beloved own mother who wouldn't hurt a fly, could possibly kick her own son out and leave him homeless whilst he was still a child. he needed answers.

"because she thought i was going to become my father. our father. he's a villain, izuku. and after the disappointment and overwhelming embarrassment she felt when finding out he was a villain, she started noticing similar traits in me too, and so she kicked me out as she didn't wanna risk it. she couldn't handle two villains in the same household, she thought you would be influenced, corrupted. she didn't wanna lose you too. but in her mind the damage had already been done with me. and so it seemed once she made her decision she wanted nothing more to do with me. she hasn't contacted me since. i'm 27 now."

"so she hasn't contacted you in 12 years??"

"correct. and in all that time she obviously didn't think it were ever important to mention me to you. otherwise your reaction to me finally deciding to reach out wouldn't have been so severe. i tried contacting you, i really did. but obviously not being allowed to see you in 12 years really messed me up. i didn't have your phone number, didn't know if you still lived at our old house, couldn't remember what you looked like or what school you were going to. inko wouldn't tell me anything even when i begged her and told her i'd changed. i had to find out from the local newspaper that you were UA. i recognised your name and picture almost immediately."

"so how did you live? were you on the streets?"

"only for a little while. then i eventually made some good lifelong friends and we all rented an apartment together. i can bring you round if you want." he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.

"no that's ok... listen, i'm sorry i've been so cold to you lately. i just really didn't know what to think. it kinda felt like-"

"like your life had been a lie? yeah, i get that feeling."

they both chuckle.

"all this information was kinda just hitting me all at once and i didn't know if i could handle it."

"yeah, i get that. but you're ok now. we're gonna get thru this."

"how do you think mom will react if she knows that we know each other now?"

kenji stops to think for a second.

"i don't know. but there's something more important i need to tell you."

"what is it?"

"you need to listen to me carefully when i say this."

now concerned, izuku sits up.

"you're in trouble, izuku. someone's looking for you. they're out there searching for you. and their intentions aren't good. they want to hurt you. bad."

"wha-who? why? how do you know?"

"i don't. it's what i've been told. people around me have been whispering it all over town. they say he's dangerous and insane and won't stop until he sees your lifeless body lying on the floor. please keep yourself below the radar, and be careful."

"wh-what!?! why are you telling me this?? should we tell korosensei and all might??"

kenji's phone rings and he stands up suddenly, rushing for the door.

"sorry, this call's really important. we'll talk more later. i gotta go."

kenji winks and leaves the room in an empty silence, leaving izuku feeling more confused and scared than before he came.

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