Kacchan's POV

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This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit. I mean, these dickheads randomly appear out of now where, nobody is sure where the fuck they've come from? And now suddenly we're ROOMATES with them?? What is this, fucking HOGWARTS? This isn't no school trip, this is REAL LIFE. And i'm stuck with this red haired tampon looking ass motherfUCKER as a roommate. This is bullshit. No, i'm not mAtEs with ANYONE! Not in a million fucking years! So if this "Karma" bitchass thinks that just cuz we're in the same room that we're suddenly best buddies then he's got another thing coming. It'll be my fist, against his face. With a massive explosion to fuck him off as far away from me as possible. I honestly can't take his smug face any longer. Motherfucker thinks he owns the place, HAH! over my dead body. He might as well be in an alternate universe cuz as far as i'm concerned, he does NOT belong here. He's as much of an outsider to this world as Deku in my opinion. And that's how it should stay. He's a dead man if he ever tries to get friendly with me. If he's smart he'll know to mind his own damn business and stay the fuck away. We might share a room, but nothing else.

Mess with me, Karma, and you'll see what happens.

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