Character Introduction

En başından başla

Name: Min Yoongi
Age: 26
Height: 5'9
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black


Name: Kim Seokjin
Age: 27
Height: 5'10
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Pink


Name: Kim Namjoon
Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blue


Name: Jung Hoseok
Age: 24
Height: 5'9
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black


Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black


Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde



*It's really just male vampires, and this is how I plan to explain the mpreg part of this book, since I see on mpregs some people ask 'how?'

Outside of this, don't ask me the anatomy. I'm not a fucking doctor I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I barely know my OWN anatomy, much less anyone or anything elses. And that kind of thing is too complicated. If you want me to pull some kind of male vampire anatomy out of my ass, I don't know what to tell you. I can't. So don't ask. If you absolutely MUST have a diagram, just go look up the omegaverse diagram of a male omega's body. It's the same concept. Other than that, can't help you.



⚠️ Edit: I've noticed some of you sitting here trying to memorize all these rules or something and I just wanted to clarify, you don't have to. It's explained more gradually and smoothly within the story. This is just something to come back and look at if you're confused on a rule of the universe.


*Some male vampires are born with a gene that allows them to get pregnant.

*A female vampire cannot carry this gene, even if her father(s) had it.

*A male vampire with the gene cannot get another vampire pregnant.

*A human will most likely be killed if ANY kind of male vampire tries to get them pregnant.

*It isn't IMPOSSIBLE for a male vampire to impregnate a human, just deadly.

*A male human cannot get a vampire pregnant.

*Just because a male vampire's parents had the gene, does not mean that they have it.

*A male vampire with the gene can only get pregnant by another male vampire WITHOUT the gene.

*In this fic, there are two different kinds of vampires. "Born" and "turned". Pretty self explanatory. Born vampires were born a vampire, and turned ones were turned into a vampire by another vampire by surviving the turning process.

*I am not going to explain the turning process to you. You'll learn it in the story, not here. ✌✌✌

*Turned vampires cannot have the gene.

*Turned vampires cannot get a born male vampire with the gene pregnant.

*A male turned vampire can get pregnant by a male vampire, if the male turned vampire is turned by a male vampire with the gene.

*A female turned vampire cannot get pregnant by a male vampire of any kind. She's still got the basic anatomy of a human, and it will likely kill her.

*Vampire pregnancies move VERY fast. Like--three months long kind of fast.

*A vampire grows very quickly even after they're born. It takes about seven months before they're the equivalent of a human four year old--but after that, their growth slows down drastically and is about the speed of a human's growth, and slows down drastically again after they hit puberty, to preserve their beauty and age for a 1000 or so years. So in human years, Jimin is 18. In vampire years, he's like 1.




*Vampires can imprint, sometimes on accident. It's unknown how the process starts, but whenever one vampire imprints on something, the vampire feels draw to that something and gets very...emotional whenever they're without it.

*Whenever a vampire imprints, often times the initial imprint is weak. The vampire that is imprinting must finish imprinting, through biting the one they're imprinting and drinking their blood. Then, they must let the one they drank from have some of their blood too. Whenever they share blood like this, it seals them, and the imprint, together and binds them, causing them to feel emotions stronger.

*Whenever an unfinished imprinted vampire is without the one they've imprinted on for a long time, they become very irritable and are liable to act out.

*Vampires that have imprinted typically begin to consider the one they've imprinted on as their, 'mate' and will become very protective and possessive of them.

*Imprinted vampires can willingly share dreams with their mates if they are sleeping at the same time.

*Vampires in the process of imprinting can sometimes invade the dreams of their mates.

*Occasionally whenever only one vampire has started the process of imprinting, that vampire has the ability to read the thoughts of the person they're imprinting on. It is very rare, and limited what they can read. They can't read thoughts by will, and whenever the other vampire starts to imprint on them too, the ability to read their thoughts goes away.


I'm pretty sure that's everything. I might add to that list if I forgot anything, but that's the most of it. Also, since in this fic Jimin was abandoned by his parents, he doesn't know any of this. He barely knows anything about himself other than being a vampire.

Also, I have not come up with an ending to this, so it is not really one of my updating priorities. So the updates will likely be VERY slow.

💜Thanks for reading💜

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