Chapter 35

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Finally disengaging himself from Dr. Levater and the whirlwind of doctors, researchers, and other upper echelon administrators that he had been introduced to and exchanged business cards and information with, Huan saw that not many people were left in the cocktail area, including Lynne. His date for the night was nowhere to be found. Confusion quickly melded with panic that something might be wrong and planned to turn in the direction of the restrooms, when a familiar voice called out to him.

"Dr. Zhang, fancy running into you tonight."

Huan turned around to see Dr. Ulias, in an elegant burnt orange gown and silver jewelry, her curly blond locks had been tamed and fell in delicate waves over her shoulder. She was walking arm-in-arm with a taller olive-skinned, middle-aged woman with auburn hair in an aquamarine gown and silver jewelry. "Dr. Ulias. I didn't expect to see you tonight," he stated, as they walked toward him.

"Well, I love a good party, especially one thrown on Kensingtonna's dime. It doesn't hurt that my lovely wife is the daughter of a member of the board," she told him as she pecked the other woman on the cheek.

"Heather stop that," the other woman playfully batted her away. Holding out her hand she introduced herself to Huan, "I'm Daleya Ulias. And how do you know my wife?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Our mutual mentor, Dr. Forster introduced us. She's actually my, erm-," he quickly racked his brain for how to define Lynne, "my best friend's OB."

Dr. Ulias shot him a lightning fast look that said really? However, Huan didn't want any intrusive ears around them to overhear that he was going to be a father when they hadn't announced anything yet.

"Ah. It always comes back to babies with my Heather."

"Yeah. Why are you trying to escape before the best part of the night, Huan? The food is always superb."

"Not escaping, just looking for my date. It's Lynne. I seem to have left her hanging. And it looks like she may have abandoned me in return."

"Well that's not good, but you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. Have you looked for her anywhere?"

"Not yet."

"Ok, then you should look to see if she picked up her place card and sat at your table before sending out an APB for her. Don't you think?" Daleya asked him.

"You're right. I didn't even think of that."

"You men are always quick to think you've been dumped. We women are more resilient than you give us credit. Come on." Daleya told him as she beckoned for him to follow her and Dr. Ulias into the ballroom.

Sure enough, the place card with Lynne's name was notably absent from its place where it should have sat next to Huan's. As Huan looked in the direction of his assigned table, he saw Lynne's profile. She was sitting next to an older gentleman. She looked at ease, placing a hand on her chest as she laughed at something he said.

"Well, it looks as though Lynne didn't leave you hanging," Dr. Ulias remarked as she came up beside him. "I'll be over to say hi to Lynne later. Now, I have to play the dutiful spouse." Waving goodbye she followed behind Daleya.

Huan made his way over to the table. Noticing that all the seats were filled, he realized just how long he had taken schmoozing with Dr. Levater. Around the table were Lynne and the mysterious older gentleman, Nurse Blake from the NICU with his wife, Tiffany Cooke who was the Head of the Respiratory Department, Noah and Finn were sat next to the mysterious gentleman, and a mid-level female administrator whose name Huan couldn't remember at the moment rounded out the table.

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