Chapter 4: Ryders Story & Answered Prayers

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"I just I was scared. I was a scared eighteen year old kid who was all but willing all but ready to get on my hands and knees and beg this little harlot not to get rid of my baby, this was my kid right there. I mean everyone who crawls in bed with someone else anytime you have sex with anyone you always have that one shot in hell you could make a baby out of that. If she wasn't ready for all that and she's been through this before you would think she'd take better care of herself or just get fucking fixed you know. I just couldn't handle the thought of my baby going through that process. This was going to be apart of me. I felt like I almost couldn't breath, like my heart was in my throat. The brother next to me was in the same damn condition I was in."

"So they did the ultra sound we saw the baby, we heard the heart beat. It was so incredible. Than he measured the baby size there was no why in hell that kid was mine that kid was about six weeks along. We were only almost four weeks. MY heart let up a little bit still a little sad though you know. I turned to the guy next to me his eyes was watering the kid was his she even said so. He was such a proud dad in that moment, and he was just in awe at the amazing thing that was in front of him, she informed us that she needed a moment with the doctor. So we gave it to her. Few minutes later the doctor came out with the ultra sound picture and a long sad face and told a nurse to get a certain room ready the guy was twenty. Looking down happy at his baby we both looked at each other and the doctor it was at hat point we both knew." Ryder said with a little tear in his eye.

"He went straight through that door as she had just changed into a special gown. She looked up and said she couldn't risk her boyfriend for this baby. Apparently the other guy was her sugar daddy and she wasn't ready to give up her life style for some kid, with some guy she was only fooling around with anyway. So he was crying and begging for her not to do it. To please just have the baby and give it to him, she would never have to see either of them again. He was ugly crying on his hands and needs and doing anything and saying anything her could, but you know her body her choice. The men never get a say in that kind of thing even though it fucking guts most of us. I held that man while his whole heart and world shattered on my shoulders. I realized that could be me I could be having my baby just being murdered on the inside of the building. That could be my baby never being able to breath his or her first breath, or walk first step. Nothing. All I could do was just cry with him. The guy later went into severe depression failed a suicide attempt and met the love his life in therapy and now has two kids."

"She has since than reached out randomly to me still with her sugar daddy, but I can't see her as nothing but a cold hearted, ruthless bitch who murdered a poor mans baby and would have done the same to me. I haven't been the same since I haven't been able to trust another woman since I got betrayed in the worse way. Than I meet you and your just fucking amazing. I can't get enough of wanting to know more about you. Your sweet, humble, kind, outspoken, you don't take no crap, you are fun, and funny. You're beautiful inside and out. I just want nothing more than to be with you Aria no one else just you. You make my heart feel like theirs is something more, you make it feel like it's beating again. Aria will you officially be mine and only mine?" Ryder asked with a silent tear going down his face.

"Ryder I would love to be yours but if this chick ever pops up between us I need you to know I may have to hurt some feelings and some faces. The worse thing that happened to me was my boyfriend was cheating on me with his brothers best friend who was also a guy. I'm sorry you went through that. That couldn't be easy. It is sadly something that happens all the time everyday. Most guys don't even get the chance to know." She said sadly. "So it's getting late. Maybe I should hit the road." He said standing up. SH stood up with him and he pulled her into a hug and put his lips to hers, getting lost in and caught up in the moment. HE lifted her up by the thighs, and wrapped her legs around his waist, still caught up in the moment.

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