𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙍. in which Libby is on a deadpool

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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ Lɪʙʙʏ ɪs ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴅᴇᴀᴅᴘᴏᴏʟ

Libby walked around the party uncomfortably, pushing handsy freshman away from her

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Libby walked around the party uncomfortably, pushing handsy freshman away from her.

"Touch me again and i will throw you in the lake." Libby pinned an obviously scared freshman to the wall, they weren't even drinking alcohol and they thought it was okay put their hand under somebodies skirt.

"Okay, dude." Libby rolled her eyes at the freshman before she walked over to where Lydia was entering the kitchen.

"One of these freshman might lose a finger." Libby muttered running a hand through her straightened hair, something Sage insisted on doing.

"I won't blame you." Lydia responded as she a keg being pushed into the kitchen.

"Okay, I didn't order a keg of beer." Libby looked down at the keg, trying to read what it said on the label. "Especially not domestic." She added making Libby confused.

She didn't know there was a difference in beer.

"Somebody ordered it." The man said before looking around. "Are you trying to tell me nobody here wants to drink?" Lydia sighed before noticing the laptop on the counter.

"Who put this here?" Lydia asked as Libby stared at keg, she didn't have any money to pay for it, she barely had money to pay for food.

"This laptop is two thousand dollars and..." Libby eyes widened nothing in her house was worth that much. Libby eyes drifted over to to where a freshman was drinking wine.

"Oh, that bottle of wine is four hundred." Libby didn't think her eyes could get any wider as Lydia snatched the bottle out of the freshman's hands. She could buy so much strawberry milk with that much money.

"How much?" Lydia asked as the man pulled out a piece of paper. "What's this extra hundred dollars?" Lydia asked after looking over the paper.

"I call that the "Yes, you do look 21 to me" surcharge." The man winked at Lydia who walked over to a counter to place the wine on the counter.

Libby eyes moved around the room catching site of a freshman going upstairs, did people really have no home training now in days.

Libby rushed up the stairs after the freshman, she didn't know what freaky supernatural secrets the group of teenagers could possibly be hiding up the stairs.

"Liam? You up here?" The freshman called out looking around the empty hallway, before he stepped into an empty room.

"I saw Liam go outside with a girl." Libby lied smoothly, you get used to lying when cps constantly questions you.

"Really?" The freshman asked suspiciously, he would've saw Liam sneak out.

"Yeah, he seemed pretty busy to me." Libby's tone was suggestive and she hoped the freshman picked up on what she was saying.

She looked around the all right room she entered with, it looked like something straight out of a horror film.

"How do you know Liam?" The freshman asked as Libby trained her eyes on the record player in the room.

"We came to the party together." Libby answered as Lydia walked in the room.

"Why?" Mason asked making Libby roll her eyes, freshman were so persistent.

"You ask a lot of questions." Lydia spoke walking over to the table and grabbing two wine glasses and the freshman's arm before making her way to the door, bumping into Libby and spilling the wine all over the carpet, Libby winced. That was partially her fault.

"Oh, my God, the carpet...No, God, no." Libby eyes tore away from the record player as Lydia fell the floor scrubbing at the carpet. Unintentionally making it worse.

"It'll come out, i've removed blood from a cashmere sweater before." Mason sent Libby a confused look as the girl walked over to them. "My mom tried to kill her self and i had to pay for the hospital bill somehow." Mason sent Libby a terrified look as the girl bent down next to Lydia. He couldn't even imagine how traumatizing that could be.

"I can clean it Lydia, Tiffany spills stuff all the time." Libby caught Lydia's hands in her's as the strawberry blond started to cry.

"Tiffany?" Mason hand asked having no idea who Libby was talking about.

"My mom." Libby answered watching as Lydia panted a blank look across her face, it reminded her of her mother's depression episodes.

"You call your mom Tiffany?" Mason asked. Someone clearly had to have a terrible bond with their mother, if they're calling them by their first name.

"You're still here instead of getting something to clean the carpet?" Libby asked sarcastically as Mason stood up nodding his head.

"On it." Mason ran out the room the door shutting behind him.

"Was it valuable?" Libby asked letting go of Lydia's hand's not noticing the silence that filled the room.

"No. That's the problem. Nothing in here's valuable. We just put the house on the market. It was supposed to be left without a scratch. It has to be in perfect condition.
We need every penny we can get out of this place." Lydia cried making Libby feel bad.

She thought Lydia was just some snobby rich kid, clearly she was wrong. The strawberry blond was having money problems just like her.

"I promise i can get it out." Lydia nodded and the two girls feel silent and that's when Libby finally realized the silence in the room.

Lydia and Libby shared confused looks as Lydia stood up walking towards the door opening it and letting the sound flow in.

She closed the door again before opening it, the sound of the party downstairs filled the room again, before Lydia again closed it.

"Soundproof?" Lydia and Libby asked at the same time. Libby stood up as she heard the sound of a faint whispering.

"Turn on the record player." Libby whispered to Lydia despite being alone.

Libby looked around the room as Lydia walked over to the record player and gently started the record and that's when the whispering got louder

Libby looked at the wall as multiple faces appeared through, as if they were trying to break out. Libby took a step forward ignoring the fact that the whispering got louder.

"You can hear them too?" Lydia asked Libby who nodded her head ignoring the small trails of blood that came from her ears.

"Hey. Guys? Are you okay?" Neither Libby or Lydia answer Kira as they listened to the record

"What do you guys hear?" Kira asked. She was only semi-surprised to the fact that Libby was probably supernatural. She had handled the fact that they were all supernatural well, so Kira had her thoughts.

"The key." Libby whispered listening to the record "The key to break the code." Lydia added standing up and making her way to the computer.

"What is this?" Kira asked drawing Libby away from the the record player and over to the computer.

"It's a list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills." Libby walked over to the computer and saw her and her sisters names across the scream. '18'

"It's a dead pool. And we're all on it."

Mason and Libby my new favorite friendship.

Virago • Lydia Martin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें