Your Kitchen Full Of Popstars

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"You cut bangs," George points out the moment he enters my flat. Anna is placing cupcakes around a display and Jamie is setting up our TV for the movies.

Matty rolls his eyes, pushing past George and engulfing me in a tight embrace, kissing my cheeks.

"It's Halloween, G, she's the Audrey Hepburn to my James Dean," Matty explains as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I refrain from telling them that I only cut them yesterday after Ari somehow destroyed part of my hair with baby food.

"You look nice," Adam says coming into view and giving me a hug after Matty releases me.

"Thank you," I say coyly, and Matty clears his throat. I roll my eyes at him.

"The Vampire Queen," Ross exclaims, ruffling my hair, "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I say, honestly, moving aside so they all file in. I hadn't been too sure about inviting Matty's entire band but they had agreed, much to my surprise.

"Hey, I remember you," Ross says to Jamie chuckling as he takes a seat on the sofa, "Matty thought you were Marcy's boyfriend."

"And I remember you," Adam says when Anna comes out of the kitchen with a plate full of food, "You told us Marcy died when we did that interview."

I clasp my hands together, "Great reunion, lovely turn out, happy Halloween -"

"Now everybody leave so we can bone," Matty interrupts, taking a seat besides Ross and pulling me on top of him.

I gasp, appalled, trying no to think back on the time we actually did bone on this sofa. "Matty!"

"Marcy," George and Jamie mock before sharing a glance and quickly high fiving each other. Anna sets the food down on the coffee table and sits down on the love seat next to Adam. George settles beside Matty and me and Jamie throws back on the recliner.

"Since we're all here," George states, "Who knows how to roll?" he takes out a baggy and shakes it a bit.

Jamie raises his hand and George tosses it to him. When George isn't paying attention, Jamie looks at the bag in awe and stares at George with adoration. He sends me a glare when I giggle at him and I shrink back onto Matty.

Matty flicks a piece of my bangs to the side, "How are you feeling?"

I shrug; I hadn't been lying when I answered Ross earlier. "Cold," I respond. He grins and wraps his arms around me, pulling me until the tip of my nose touches his warm neck, telling me that he'll warm me up. The movie starts and I try not to actually pay attention; no matter how many times we watch Halloween, I will always get freaked out and uncomfortable.

The group talks idly among each other, passing the joint Jamie had rolled and Anna had lit, skipping me, because I'm still not over my first experience, much to everyone's amusement. When Jamie switches out the first movie for the second one and George is devouring the snacks, Ross is having an intense argument with Anna over the music score of the movies and I'm trying to explain to Adam exactly what happened with me, "I feel quite out of the loop, if I'm honest," he had explained, "But only if you're up for it, I'm not trying to pry."

"Hey, how's the baby mama," I ask after giving Adam the rundown.

"She's not naming him Yevgeny," Matty mutters.

"Hey," Jamie calls, hearing the conversation, "What about Axel?"

"Guns and Roses?" George asks. He nods, "Pretty badass, but wasn't he a bit of a dick?"

"Oh, yeah," Anna chimes in, winking at me, and I sink further into Matty, wishing that somehow his black attire would swallow me whole. "Mars was just telling us the other day, I think it's a cute name, you can convince Stefani, right Matty?"

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