The Blackout

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"You might want to slow down Jess," Blaise advised as he poured his first cup of coffee, "we don't want you pulling a Summerby."

As the rest of the Slytherin table in the Great Hall giggled, Jessica smiled sarcastically and continued scooping as much porridge as she could into her mouth. She was sat on the end in her house jumper, eating quickly so that she didn't have to sit there longer than needed. There was an important appointment that she couldn't miss.

"Summerby was sick because Goyle hit him too hard with a bludger and gave him concussion," Theo said to Blaise matter-of-factly, "it was hardly because he ate too much."

Jessica remembered. It wasn't pretty.

"Great, just the thing I need you guys to talk about," Pansy groaned as she pushed away her plate.

"Hey, you're worried?" Theo asked next to her, "at least you know what could hit you in the face, I'm in the stands!"

The pair were both very nervous, and for good reason. Now Adrian had been kicked off the Quidditch team a new chaser was needed, and after seeing how good she was at throwing a drink, the whole team decided that Pansy deserved the appointment. Umbridge had also made it clear that she didn't want Lee Jordan to commentate anymore either, so chose Theo as his replacement. A job suited to a charming loudmouth like himself.

"At least it's only Gryffindor, today," said Crabbe as he choked down his fourth pastry, "should be an easy win with Snape refereeing."

Jessica doubted this but wouldn't dare speak her mind. Angelina had replaced the team members she had lost, and one of those replacements was Ginny as seeker. She had kept her promise from Christmas and had snuck Ginny out on to the pitch whenever she could to practice for the trials, but found Ginny didn't actually need many of her tips because she was really good already.

When Ginny had come running into detention shouting she had gotten the position, Jessica had never been prouder until she realised she would have to play against her.

"Yeah plus half their team is injured thanks to mine and Pansy's detention last night," added a sniggering Goyle, "you did Johnson right Pans? So you're covered!"

Pansy nodded meekly as Jessica glared at her. She had tried to make Pansy agree to end the one-sided feud she had with Angelina but so far had made little progress.

"What?" Pansy mouthed back.

Jessica just continued to eat. She didn't want to knock Pansy off her focus, and to be honest, maybe the team would benefit from her aggression. Jessica certainly didn't have any of it anymore towards the other team.

"Honestly slow down, you're going to bloat," Draco said to Jessica as he forced her hand with the spoon in down, "they're going to be after you. We'll protect you but you've still got to hold your own and you can't do that if you're too busy gobbling up your food like a pig in a trough. You might as well be on Weasley's farm."

Jessica stared at him with complete contempt. He was currently chewing toast so loud it made her skin crawl with every bite. He was a total hypocrite.

She slammed her spoon down so that porridge splattered out of the bowl and onto Pansy's eggs and she stood up out of her seat.

"Don't go..." whispered Pansy sympathetically.

"Are you serious?" Draco laughed, his new captains badge reflecting off sunlight, "it was a joke."

"Yeah well like most things you say, it wasn't very funny," mumbled Theo as he took a sip of tea.

Draco stomped on Theo's foot under the table.

Jessica flicked her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms tightly, the chill in the hall hitting her chest. "Don't be silly, I've got thicker skin than to be offended by that, I'm just going to the bathroom," she told the table smugly, "besides, I'd rather be a pig than a ferret."

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now