Voldemorts Weapon

Start from the beginning

"So either I die saving someone to lose the necklace," Jessica said slowly, each word falling to the floor with the heavy emphasis she was placing on it, "or I keep the necklace and die anyway because Voldemort's going to kill me for refusing his service."

"Please expand," Snape questioned dryly.

Jessica's eyesight remained foggy. She had become as stiff as a board with fear and she wished she had Fred with her to help her calm down. Saying confidential information to more than two people had been completely avoided up until this point, and the prospect of saying it to a crowd made her realise how real this all was.

"This was what I was going to say before you came in," she spoke out to the room shakily, "I had another vision tonight. I was in the Hall Of Prophecies at the Ministry and Voldermort was there, plus the snake. The main thing I remember about it is that he mentioned a girl that was the key to his weapon, and that if this girl didn't give in to him he was going to kill her just like the boy."

Though her vision was impaired it did not stop Jessica from picking up that everyone in the room had taken this news badly. It was no longer just her that was glum, and the crackling of the fire was the only sound that filled the office as each person digested this news.

"I don't think it's too bold to assume that it was about me and Harry..." she said, looking up at Dumbledore to try and focus her eyes, "...given what I've seen previously?"

Dumbledore shook his head ever so lightly that if you blinked you would have missed it. He agreed with her, but this was a time where Jessica would've been happy to disagree.

Whilst she had the floor, she continued to drop every last devastating ingredient into the cauldron.

"He also mentioned needing me to confirm a prophecy and I think I know what he's talking about," Jessica continued and Dumbledore and Snape both snapped their heads to her in attention. "I never mentioned this to anyone but I heard a prophecy last time I was down there. It said about a person who would help bring the Dark Lord success. Voldemort said prophecies can only be heard by who they are about so, I'm guessing that's about me too?"

"That is indeed how prophecies work," confirmed Snape in the corner with a tone of snootity, "but that answers the question as to why Arthur Weasley was attacked. There was us thinking he did it to attract Potter to the ministry but maybe he was killing two birds with one stone if he knows you have this necklace and would come running."

"But how would he know about the prophecy in the first place?" Bill asked him, "and how would he know she knew dad?"

No one could answer this.

"And there's one last thing," Jessica said, feeling the veritaserum still pulsing through her body. "He mentioned you by name Headmaster. He was confident you were going to be out of the way soon so he could get to me."

Dumbledore jumped out of his seat, pulsed forward suddenly by an invisible stick. It caught Jessica off guard. "Did anything indicate time in this vision?" he asked her hurriedly.

"No," Jessica replied quickly, "but weirdly it did feel like it was happening now, not like the other ones have done."

"I knew it," muttered Dumbledore and he strode to Snape with urgency, whispering strongly, "we need to get her out. He's coming. We both know Dolores and Cornelius have numbered my days."

"But Headmaster this is the safest place," Snape said back, "we've always agreed that when Voldermort came looking for her she would be best protected here."

"You knew?" Jessica retorted after hearing their conversation and Dumbledore and Snape spun around sharply. "You're telling me you knew that he was coming after me this whole time?!"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now