"Take it as a belated Christmas present from me," Jessica said as she hurried them out of the room, "if you don't go I will be truly offended."

"I know what you're doing and I'm going to kill you so hard," Pansy whispered to her as Theo checked his watch.

"I'm doing you a favour, just be warm and welcoming like I taught you," she replied and she closed the door behind them. Jessica waved merrily at them both and started walked backwards out of sight, "I expect to hear all of the details, see you later!"

Leaving Theo very confused and Pansy strongly giving her the death stare, Jessica ran up the staircase towards the 8th floor. Besides getting her two best friends together she had another reason for wanting to make a quick getaway...and that reason was waiting for her in the small broom cupboard up in the far corner of the castle.

"Right I've bought us about 30 minutes before anyone notices where I really am," she said as she entered the tiny room, "let's go, Weasley."

Fred was standing by the large window waiting for her in his school shirt and house tie. As she came bounding in he looked at her over his shoulder, smiling as she put her hair up.

"My day was great, thanks for asking," he said sarcastically, "how was yours?"

Jessica stopped and looked at him sternly, though a little smirk was trying to escape. "Fred we don't have time, I know how your day's been. I saw those fireworks you let off in Umbridge's corridor, you're lucky she wasn't there."

"Ah, you saw that huh?" he bragged proudly, "that's a taster of what's to come."

"Well then these spells will soon come in very handy," Jessica replied and she waved her wand with enthusiasm, "now come on, get it out."

Fred's snigger remained as his right eyebrow lifted in surprise.

"Your wand Fred."

Fred tutted and came away from the window, getting his wand out from his back pocket and standing directly opposite against her.

"So for now we'll start with low-level spells, then we'll do the harder stuff later," Jessica told him, "the first one is Episky, it's for like cut lips and broken noses. You'll use it a lot as those are the most common injuries."

"They must've skipped common and gone straight to special with me and George then," Fred commented.

In the moonlight, Jessica could see the outline of many scars on his neck, cheek and arms, most of them a horrible shade of purple. It was rare to see a student unmarked these days, and Jessica was sickened that she had become used to it.

The disgust spurred her on further to teach him the spell and she guided Fred through the circular movement of the wand and how to pronounce it correctly. He listened and followed her every word.

"Okay, but how am I going to know I've actually got it?" he asked after they had gone through the motions a few times, "can't I practice on something?"

Jessica agreed it was the next logical step and looked around the room for an object that could replicate a cut or something bleeding. Unfortunately, there was nothing there exact for an old chair and loads of cardboard storage boxes.

"Hit me," Jessica said after realising it was the only option, and the most realistic.

Fred did a double-take at her, his eyes unsure and wide, "what?!"

"Come on I won't mind, it's important you get it right!"

"Jess I'm not going to hit you, that's crazy."

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now