The Woes Of Pansy Parkinson

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"Pansy's being psycho and we're waiting for the reason," said Draco as he pushed past everyone to join Jessica's defence, "because there better be one."

Pansy looked at all three boys defending Jessica, her eyes ignited with fury.

"Oh yeah, gather round her," she sneered, "you've all got your shiny new toy haven't you, no need for me anymore!"

Pansy dropped the glass and it smashed into thousands of sparkling shards, a few of which landed on Jessica's toes and cut into her. She stormed through the crowd, nudging a group of third years on her way out, and walked up the staircase to leave the common room.

"Someone forgot to take her bitch pills today," said Draco as he bent down to wipe the shards of glass away from Jessica's feet. Jessica found the gesture charming, but her mind could only focus on Pansy.

"That was just out of nowhere," said Theo as he stared at the door where Pansy had exited, "I think someone should go check on her."

"Well I'm going back to my people, they need me," shrugged Blaise, "enjoy the drama, fill me in later."

Blaise put his arm around two girls behind him and started grinding on a third. The three of them ignored him, it was his birthday after all.

"I'll go," said Jessica as Draco moved on from her feet to pick up shards of glass off the floor, "I'm the one she's mad at."

Jessica ran out of the common room and looked around, quickly thinking where Pansy could have gone to. There was only one place she was sure she had seen Pansy go, and that was the girl's bathroom.

She ran up to the bathroom and saw Pansy about to walk into it, but when Pansy saw Jessica standing there she immediately back-tracked, strutting fastly along the corridor to get away from her.

"Pansy!" Jessica called after her, wiping her hands on her dress that was still soaking wet, "what the hell was that for?"

Pansy was quiet and just walked faster and faster.

"Pansy!" Jessica repeated, getting angry that she wasn't acknowledging her, "you can't just throw a drink on someone and walk away."

Pansy turned around fiercely, her mouth snarling like a vicious dog. "Yes, I can, in case you've forgotten princess, I'm Pansy fucking Parkinson!"

She strutted away and Jessica, refusing to give up, followed her down the next corridor.

"Well I'm Pansy Parkinson's friend," Jessica said angrily, "so would Pansy Parkinson care to tell me why I'm smelling like a winery right now?"

"Go away," Pansy ordered as she stressfully pulled out her ponytail to let her long black hair flow down her back.


"Get the fuck away from me Jess," she warned, "I'll hurt you."

"No," Jessica shouted as they reached the third-floor lookout, "I won't because you're clearly upset about something. I'm not someone you can just bully away because you can't handle showing people your weaknesses!"

This, finally, made Pansy halt. She bowed her head down and from the back Jessica could see her hand go beneath her nose as her shoulders hunched up, sniffing to try and reduce tears.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant