The Letters Of Pursuit

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, and why do you think that is?" said Fred as he cornered her against the wardrobe and waved the letters in her face, "he clearly wants something out of this, a guy doesn't write double-sided letters just to 'keep in contact'."

"Oh shut up."

"No I'm serious," said Fred as he pointed a finger at the letters like he was showing her an article in the Daily Prophet, "this guy is going all out. If a guy is laying it on this thick he's either hoping to get some or he's got something to hide."

"Oh, so you don't think it's possible for someone to like me as I am? For my brain?" Jessica asked scornfully as she reached forward and snatched the remaining letters out of his hand, of which he released with ease, "there's got to be a motivation for it like just wanting sleep with me? Is that your experience?"

"No," Fred emphasised as she pushed past him to walk to the other side of the bedroom, "I'm leaning towards the other one actually after having a look through. It's interesting how he's suddenly got an interest in you over Christmas, isn't it? After you left his party abruptly when my dad was in trouble? Almost like he knows you're with us Jess and he's trying to get you onside!"

Jessica could not let on that she partially agreed with him, even she had noticed the coincidence in recent days. However, she had decided that just because Lucius may have been after the necklace, it did not mean Draco had to be too. "You know what, I'm not going to take on the opinion of a guy that needs a pact to be able to be nice to me for a couple of hours," she said spitefully and she placed the letters in her bedside draw and slammed it shut, "goodnight Fred."

Fred was having none of it and stuck to his spot to Jessica's annoyance. His voice was getting angrier, and yet there was a running undertone of mocking like he thought it was one big joke. "Maybe if you weren't so stubborn you would realise that Malfoy doesn't care about people, he uses them. No matter how hard he's trying to convince you, he won't genuinely care about you."

Jessica spun around to face him, her jaw tightening and her emerald eyes widening with the frustration of having him being so rude about things he had no business knowing. "And what would you know about being caring about me huh? You didn't seem to care very much about me when you were hanging off Angelina's lips hours after begging me to get back with you! Oh yeah, Mr Perfect you were! I was worried about you before then, George said you were missing!"

Fred screwed up his face in confusion and immediately refuted, "Excuse me, what?!"

"Yeah, exactly!" Jessica stood up for herself irritably, "after Pansy threw you against the wall you wouldn't even look or say anything to me. You had guilt all over your face, you couldn't even muster an apology, so don't talk to me about how Draco might be feeling. The fact that you thought you had the right to play the victim since then is-"

"Pansy throwing me against the wall?" Fred interrupted, bewilderment splattered across his face, "that never happened what are you talking about?"

"Uh, yes it did!"

"Uh, no it didn't?!"

"Well, who was it down at the Great Hall that night then?" Jessica asked back sarcastically, "because it wasn't fucking George, I can tell the difference!"

She could not believe he was attempting to challenge a memory that was so vivid in her mind.

"I don't know, someone who looked like me?" Fred suggested dryly, "are you sure-"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now